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Relentless pursuit of food is a major characteristic of Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS). We observed voluntary fasting among PWS individuals during a religious fast
Introduction:?Enuresis is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in children. Classical?treatments for primary enuretic children are conditioning (Bell an
日本横滨城市大学医学院的Gen Yasuda博士在8月的《糖尿病护理》(Diabetes Care,2005;28:1862—1868)杂志上报告,血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻断剂(ARB)氯沙坦可降低有2型糖尿病的高血压患者的
Objective: For patients of TOF with pulmonary annular hypoplasia, reconstruction of right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) often requires a trans annular patch
Let S be a nonempty, proper subset of all refined inertias. Then, S is called a critical set of refined inertias for ireducible sign patterns of order n if is s
Health care workers are responsible for the execution of the health policy of a nation, yet little if any empirical evidence is there on health, lifestyle, heal
Spatial neglect syndrome with cerebral lesions is characterized by the ina-bility to orient, report, or respond to relevant visual stimuli contralateral to the
Vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin and phen-procoumon, are the first-line oral anticoagulants for primary and secondary prevention of cerebral embo-lism in
众所周知,果蔬首选应季的。鲜为人知的是,很多鱼也有自己的季节生长特性,风味和营养也受时令影响。春  春季可选的鱼类较为丰富,比较适合吃的主要有以下几种。  鳜鱼:鳜鱼是当之无愧的“春令时鲜”,以三月份桃花盛开时最为肥美。鳜鱼首选清蒸,最出名的当属松鼠鳜鱼,其酸甜的口感也能很好地衬托鱼肉的鲜美。  黄鱼:黄鱼每年有春秋两季渔汛,但春季产量更高。每年农历三四月间,成群结队的大黄鱼会溯潮而上,这时正值大