Report on university students’hopes and fears for career planning

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longlaotest1
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  【Abstract】 Recently there is a widespread concern about university students’ hopes and fears for the future especially when it comes to career planning. So we design a survey in order to find out university students’ thoughts about career planning through questionnaire. Our title is divided into 4 focuses and my report is from interpersonal communication. This paper provides an overview of the reality of university students’ interpersonal communication .
  【Key words】hopes fears career planningguideline
  There is no denying that the social competition strengthens and more and more university students face the problem of getting jobs. So fierce is the social competition that everyone must try to reveal the superiority of his own. During our survey the majority of university students are perplexed about their career planning. So we choose the working title “hopes and fears for career planning” in the hope of figuring out the reality and try to put forward some useful suggestions to help them. We divided our title into 4 focuses: awareness; learning; interpersonal communication and strategy. Let me analyze my focus on interpersonal communication.
  We designed a questionnaire, which consists of 4 focuses. What’s more, we designed 32 questions based on our respective focus. We handed out 50 questionnaires to CQU’s students from different majors and grades.They all complete our questionnaires carefully and patiently. Thanks to their coordination we worked out the data of 32 questions and analyzed the answers.I choose 5 typical question of my focus to make you understand our report better.
  3.Data analysis
  ①There comes the question “ whether you have the awareness of bringing up your own ability in daily life” .About 96﹪ are willing to improve themselves during daily life. Now it is ability that most companies give 1st consideration to. As teenager ,we must strengthen our ability to adjust to the society better.
  15.Whether you have the awareness of bringing up your own ability in daily life?
  ②When asked about “what ability do you lay more emphasis on if you do”, we get different answers. About 50﹪ students pay more attention to the ability of studying independently. So the importance of giving more methods to improve the ability of studying independently can’t be over emphasized.
  15.What ability do you lay more emphasis on if you do?
  ③When it comes to asking “what ability do you lay more emphasis on during the association activities”, the answer varies from individual to individual. About 23﹪ students prefers to improve the ability of cooperation and coordination and 18﹪ will be fully stretched to improve their ability . So what can be indicated is that there should be more activities which require association team spirit.
  16.What ability do you lay more emphasis on during the association activities?
  ④ We also design the question “ which people do you prefer to make friends with”. 35﹪ of them prefer to making friends with people who have the same interests as them. But there is no denying that university students should make friends with different people to accumulate our experience and widen our horizons.
  19.Which people do you prefer to make friends with?
  ⑤Last but not the least, the question “how do you treat the strangers in a new occasion” reveals the universal problem . Which makes us a little worried is the phenomenon that 42% students are fond of making new friends when they come to a new place, but it’s difficulty for them to do that. So we draw the conclusion that it’s high time we value our ability of communication.
  20.How do you treat the strangers when coming in a new occasion?
  The survey can end, but university students’ hopes and fears for career planning can’t stop. This is a matter which is relevant to students’ future . Due to the short time and the small number of members ,what we did is limited, but we really look forward to seeing our strategy have effective influence on students. Furthermore , through careful analysis, we also get different conclusions in 4 focuses. As for me, seeing their progress in interpersonal communication I also see some disadvantages, for example, their attitude toward strangers. Above what has been surveyed ,proper measures must be taken to strengthen students’ ability of interpersonal communication .Just as the old saying “ practice makes perfect” ,only by your efforts can you take on a new look!
“小编,我……我想‘忏悔’!我初中的时候跟着许多人排挤了一个同学,现在很后悔。”在座谈会上,当小编提到“你们班上是否有被排挤的同学”时,一个男生突然站起来说了这么一句话,而他的话也打开了不少同学的心扉,他们纷纷吐露自己的心声。  (尊重受访者的意愿,以下均匿名)  挤这件事一开始就是来自从众的心理,40人的班级里,39个人在认真学习,当有1个人在课堂上突然拿了一面镜子出来,我们的第一反应就是:哇!
【摘要】本文探讨在新课程理论指导下,为尽快适应新教材教学要求,教师的一些观念和教学方法也应随之变化,这样才能使英语课堂教学更加生动有趣灵活机动,充分调动学生的主体潜力,让课堂真正地活跃起来。  【关键词】新课程改革 课堂教学  新一轮英语课程标准让我们蓬勃开展的基础教育改革进入一个新的发展阶段。它打破传统的教学模式和方式,推动着课堂教学与学生学习方式的一次全方位的变革。这次改革对老师们来说更是一场
【摘要】分层次教学是在“因材施教”教育思想下对于高职院校英语教学的一个改革与尝试。经过多年的发展与实践,在诸多院校已经取得显著成效。本文根据高职院校的现状同时结合武昌职业学院的实际,通过实践教学法对的酒店英语分层教学这一教学方式对他们英语学习兴趣所产生的影响进行分析与探讨。  【关键词】英语教学 分层教学方式 英语学习兴趣  众所周知,外语,尤其是英语的应用,在酒店行业发挥着举足轻重的作用,许多酒
【摘要】错题是帮助学生提高英语学习效率的有效途径,帮助学生们如何整理错题、有效处理错题、让这些错题重复利用,使这些错题能“变废为宝”,这就是英语老师面临的一个问题。  【关键词】错题 利用 效率 困惑  心理学家盖耶认为:“谁不考虑尝试错误,不允许学生犯错误,就将错过最富成效的学习时刻。”错题再练可以使学生们较大程度地巩固基础知识,培养英语解题的能力,提高英语学习的信心。  一、错题整理的方法  
【摘要】《中国外语能力需求调查与战略建议》是我国外语战略和外语政策研究中较为重要的成果之一,对外语教育者、本领域的研究者以及公众读者均有参考和指导作用。本文首先对该书进行内容概述,再对其研究方法、内容和研究结果作出评析,以期较为完整地为读者呈现本书面貌和精髓。  【关键词】书评 外语能力需求 战略建议 需求分析  一、背景  当一个国家从“本国型”向“国际型”转变,争取国际话语权时,国民外语能力的
“野百合”是我给班上的英语学习成绩不理想的孩子的代号,我之所以这样称呼他们,是因为我相信“野百合也有春天”。我一直在探索一些有效策略,帮助后进生加快前进的步伐,提高学习效益,尽可能缩小差距。后进生的成因是多方面的,有家庭的,有社会的;有先天智力方面的原因,也有后来的不良学习习惯导致的。在多年的教学过程中,我发现后进生的成因很复杂,从他们身上表现出来的特点,我归纳起来,大致如下:  一、缺乏自信和克
【摘要】新的课程改革要求我们初中英语教师要改变以前的教学模式,采取小组合作探究的教学模式来进行课堂教学活动,不仅仅是在阅读课上,就是在口语的训练和写作能力的培养方面,合作探究的方法对学生的英语学习能力的提高都是有着积极的意义的。  【关键词】合作 探究 初中英语  新的课程改革实施以来,一种全新的学习方式出现在了我们课堂中,采取小组合作的方式来进行课堂组织活动,学生的主体地位得到了充分的重视,小组