
来源 :吉它 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dlghk
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著名吉它教育家彭来柱先生1961年生于江苏南京,1976年接触西班牙吉它后,便痴迷于吉它的演奏。由于对吉它音乐有着较高的悟性,于1980年就走上了讲台传授吉它知识,逾今教授学生达数千人。1984年从南京到镇江从事吉它教学工作至今,为镇江吉它爱好者带来了最 Mr. Pang Lai-chu, a famous guitarist, was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in 1961, and became obsessed with guitar performance after touching Spanish guitar in 1976. As a result of his high perception of guitar music, he embarked on the podium in 1980 to teach guitar knowledge, teaching more than thousands of students so far. Since 1984, guitar teaching from Nanjing to Zhenjiang so far, bringing the most guitar lovers in Zhenjiang
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目的:建立素清丸的质量标准。方法:采用薄层色谱法(TLC)法对制剂中黄连进行定性鉴别,采用高效液相色谱法对制剂中的黄芩苷进行含量测定。结果 :TLC斑点清晰、分离度好;黄芩苷
利用Pharmacia电泳脱色仪研究了不同浓度的(NH_4)_2SO_4和酶在电场下或离子吸附剂存在下的透析平衡。结果表明10 mL 4 mol/L(NH_4)_2SO_4在12 V电压下,3 h即可达到透析平衡,1
Insulin is a protein hormone secreted by pancreatic β cells. One of its main functions is to keep the balance of glucose inside the body by regulating the abso
[Objective] To detect the aradecoside A contents in Aralia plants in different production areas by HPLC. [Method] Chromatographic column was Kromasil C18 column
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