
来源 :能源研究与信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqqq406340142
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我国是能源生产和消费大国,但人均资源占有量却相对很少。能源结构以煤为主,环境污染严重。能源利用水平偏低,浪费很大。在今后相当长时期里,我国面临着探明资源贫乏(主要是油、气等),能源供应短缺和环境污染恶化的危机和能源开发建设资金严重不足的困境。因此,长期坚持合理用能,大力降低能源需求具有不可替代的战略意义,尤其是对于供需矛盾突出的电力事业,坚持节电和削峰,更具现实意义。但目前在经济体制转轨过程中,行政调控能力的减弱和节能资金的不落实,使节能节电难度加大。因此,能源需求侧管理无疑给我国提供了一种摆脱上述危机和困境的有效工具,在我国有广阔的推广应用前景。 China is a big country that produces and consumes energy, but its resources per capita are relatively small. The main energy structure of coal, serious environmental pollution. Low level of energy use, waste a lot. For a long time in the future, our country faces the dilemma of finding a serious shortage of resources (mainly oil, gas, etc.), a shortage of energy supplies and a worsening of environmental pollution, and a serious shortage of funds for energy development and construction. Therefore, long-term adherence to rational use of energy and energetic reduction of energy demand are of irreplaceable strategic significance. In particular, it is more realistic for the power industry with contradiction between supply and demand to adhere to energy conservation and peak cutting. However, in the process of economic transition, the weakening of administrative control and the failure to implement energy-saving funds have made it more difficult to save energy and save electricity. Therefore, DSM undoubtedly provides an effective tool for our country to get rid of the above crises and dilemmas, and has a broad prospect of popularization and application in our country.
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(Adopted at the Eighth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People’s Congressand promulgated by Order No. 28 of the President of the People
目的  探讨一种使用方便、疗效确切 ,毒、副作用少的有效制剂治疗慢性牙周炎。方法 按常规牙膏配方加用甲硝唑 ,研制成甲硝唑牙膏。嘱患者每天早、晚各刷牙 1次 ,每次 5~ 1
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