
来源 :张家口医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w11425635
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1 问题的提出教育部在1998年12月24日将全面推行素质教育列入了《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》之中,全面推进素质教育已成为教育战线上一项紧迫任务,同时也是广大教育工作者所肩负的历史所赋予的神圣使命。学校体育作为素质教育的主要内容,也是实施素质教育的重要手段,它在全面实施素质教育中具有什么样的功能,已成为学校体育工作者所关心的问题,也 1 PROBLEM PROBLEM The Ministry of Education (MOE), on December 24, 1998, included the full implementation of quality education in the Action Plan for the Revitalization of Education in the 21st Century. To promote quality education in an all-round way has become an urgent task on the education front and also a vast The sacred mission endowed by educators over the history. As the main content of quality education, school physical education is also an important means to implement quality education. What kind of function it has in implementing quality education has become a concern of school PE workers.
针刺病变部位的腰部夹脊穴,进针深度30 mm,运用平补平泻手法,并配合口服中药桃红四物汤,治疗了162例椎间盘源性腰痛患者.结果显效65例,良好53例,有效37例,无效6例,总有效率96
将急性腰扭伤分为脊柱型损伤和非脊柱型损伤两种类型,分别施以针刺和推拿治疗,治疗了30例急性腰扭伤患者,结果27例痊愈,3例有效.,Acute lumbar sprain was divided into two
Movement-needling Technique, a new acupuncture therapy, is based on traditional acupuncture therapy and anatomical principle, combining acupuncture and movemen
Patient, female, 58 years old, first visit on June 19th,1995.rnMain Complaints: Headache for 3 years and aggravated for one month.
Use Fewer and Exact Acupoints, Usually Paired AcupointsrnMr. LU uses fewer but exact acupoints. He often says:Ifwe fail to grasp the essentials of acupoints, o