
来源 :“九一八”研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:du_one
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在面临亡国灭种的危难关头,中共满洲省委高举抗日爱国的旗帜,积极号召民众奋起反抗,组织领导了东北民众的反日斗争。九一八事变前,中共满洲省委开展了创办革命刊物、组织农民抗租、开展罢工运动等方面的工作,并对政治时局有了精确的判断:九一八事变后,中共满洲省委发表了反日宣言,揭露了日本帝国主义侵略满洲的目的,谴责了国民党政府的不抵抗政策,号召东北民众奋起抵抗日寇侵略。此外,中共满洲省委组织城乡工农的反日斗争,支持抗日团体和领导了抗日游击斗争,给日本帝国主义侵略势力以沉重打击。笔者通过较为详细的史料和科学的研究方法,论述中共满洲省委是东北民众反日斗争的思想指引者、组织协调者和实际主导者,折射出中国共产党人从民族大义出发在保卫家乡国土的过程中做出的巨大努力,体现了中国共产党人的历史使命和民族担当。 Faced with the crisis at the expense of extermination of power, the CPC’s Manchurian Provincial Party Committee held high the banner of resistance to Japan and patriotism, and actively called on the people to rise up to oppose and organize and lead the northeast people’s anti-Japanese struggle. Before the September 18th Incident, the CPC Manchuria Provincial Committee started the work of setting up revolutionary publications, organizing the peasants to resist leases and carry out the strike movement, and made accurate judgments on the current political situation: After the Sept.18 Incident, the CPC Manchuria Provincial Committee Published an anti-Japanese declaration that exposed the purpose of the Japanese imperialists’ aggression against Manchuria and condemned the non-resistance policy of the Kuomintang government and called on the people in northeast China to rise up to resist the aggression of the Japanese invaders. In addition, the CCP’s Manchuria Provincial Party Committee organized the anti-Japanese struggle for workers and peasants in urban and rural areas, supported the anti-Japanese groups and led the anti-Japanese guerrilla struggle, which dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese imperialist aggressors. Through more detailed historical and scientific research methods, the author expounds that the CCP’s Manchurian provincial committee is the guide, the coordinator and the actual leader of northeast people’s anti-Japanese struggle, which reflects that the Chinese Communists proceeded from the national cause to defend the homeland’s territory In the tremendous efforts made by the Chinese Communists, reflecting the historic mission and national responsibility of the Chinese Communists.
[本刊讯]本钢于9月10日隆重召开庆祝教师节暨教育成果发布会。来自公司教育战线上的模范教师、优秀教育工作者及先进集体代表100余人参加了会议。会上冷轧薄板厂 [本刊 信]
你说,各种各样的花儿, 你都见过。可是,你可曾见过 会飞的花朵?.. (它们在花丛里飞,一会儿起, 一会儿落;它们在草地上飞,一阵儿分, 一阵儿合。它们迎着风飞,飘飘闪闪, I决快
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