The establishment of demonstration projects and the development of public libraries

来源 :Journal of Library Science in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xutianyuan
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The Twelfth Five-Year Plan offers a good environment for public libraries and an opportunity to create the national public cultural service system demonstration projects.The main themes and issues reflected in the demonstration projects’ creation standards are:enhancing service capacity and improving service effectiveness;promoting remote and mobile services;and advancing the indexing of key tasks.There are three types of “public library projects” in the first demonstration projects:exploration and practice of the main-branch library system;infrastructure construction for community public libraries;national reading activities.To participate in creating demonstration projects,public libraries need the following:first,to form a schedule,a roadmap and supporting mechanisms that reach the standards;and second,to identify problems that need to be solved in the creation process.The problems that need special attention include:improving service capability and efficiency in an open and free environment;building a scientific and appropriate facility coverage radius and relevant metrics and investigating the principles and standards of mobile,digital,and location-based services;exploring and utilizing equipment from the culture sharing project and the integration plan for digital libraries and digital culture centers. The Twelfth Five-Year Plan offers a good environment for public libraries and an opportunity to create the national public cultural service system demonstration projects. The main themes and issues reflected in the demonstration projects’ creation standards are: enhancing service capacity and improving service effectiveness; promoting remote and mobile services; and advancing the indexing of key tasks. There are three types of “public library projects” in the first demonstration projects: exploration and practice of the main-branch library system; infrastructure construction for community public libraries; public reading activities.To participate in creating demonstration projects, public libraries need the following: first, to form a schedule, a roadmap and supporting mechanisms that reach the standards; and second, to identify problems that need to be solved in the creation process. The problems that need special attention include: improving service capability and efficiency in an open and free environment; building a scientific and appropriate facility coverage radius and relevant metrics and investigating the principles and standards of mobile, digital, and location-based services; exploring and utilizing equipment from the culture sharing project and the integration plan for digital libraries and digital culture centers .
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