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陇南地区位于甘肃东南部,地处秦巴山地,属亚热带向暖温带过渡地带。境内高山、河谷、丘陵、盆地交错,气候垂直分布,地域差异明显,素有“一山有四季,十里不同天”之说。特殊的地理位置形成了这里独特的自然景观,既含南国之灵秀,又具北国之雄奇。建国50年来,陇南发生了翻天覆地的变化。尤其是改革开放以来,全区人民在地委、行署的领导下,以邓小平理论为指导,解放思想,开拓进取,团结奋进,艰苦创业,经济建设和社会各项事业得到快速发展。近几年,全区又紧紧抓住加快发展和扶贫攻坚两条主线,实施了农业“三大块”指导战略、工业“两点一线”发展战略和科教兴区战略,集中力量,突出抓了六个方面的工作,收到了显著的效果:一是围绕解决群众吃饭问题,以兴水、改土、推科技为主要措施,狠抓了粮食生产;二是围绕增收富民问题,加快 Longnan region is located in southeastern Gansu, is located in the Qinling Mountains, a transitional zone of warm temperate subtropical zone. The territory of the mountains, valleys, hills, basins staggered, vertical distribution of climate, geographical differences are obvious, known as “a mountain has four seasons, ten different days,” said. The special geographical position has formed the unique natural landscape here, which contains both the splendid scenery of the South and the magnificence of the North. In the 50 years since the founding of New China, great changes have taken place in Longnan. Especially since the reform and opening up, under the leadership of the prefectural and administrative departments and under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the people of the entire region have emancipated their minds, forge ahead in a pioneering spirit, forge ahead in unity, arduously pioneer their work, bring about economic development and various social undertakings have undergone rapid development. In recent years, the region has firmly grasped the two main lines of accelerating development and tackling poverty and implemented the strategy of “guiding the development of agriculture,” “three big blocks,” the development strategy of “two lines and one line of industry” and the strategy of revitalization through science and education. Strength and emphasis on six aspects of work, and received notable results. First, focusing on solving the problem of food for the masses, focusing on water improvement, soil improvement and science and technology promotion, they paid close attention to grain production. Second, focusing on increasing income and enriching the people ,accelerate
柱塞在压调节臂时会产生一微小θ角的偏移,称为压配角。现将我们检定一号泵柱塞压配角所用的方法介绍于下。1.绝对法:如图所示,先把柱塞放在小 V 型铁上,并把斜槽面调到与 O
近年来,双环苯型麝香化合物对香料工业具有重要意义。如粉檀麝香、吐纳麝香等,它们具有优良的香气和与大环麝香化合物相仿的 In recent years, bicyclo benzene-type musk