An Analysis of Dubliners from the Perspective of Paralysis

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  【Abstract】 James Joyce is a literary giant and one of the most important and influential novelist of the 20th century. Joyce left his country at a young age and his exile provides him with a critical distance. He expresses his strong and mixed feeling toward Ireland and Irish people in his novels, especially his first short story collection Dubliners. The thesis intend to analyze the novel from the perspective of paralysis, the reasons of paralysis and different paralyzed relationships in Dublin.
  【Key words】James Joyce; Dubliners; Paralysis
  1. Introduction
  Joyce wrote Dubliners not only for remembering his childhood, but also for presenting Irish people to all. The paper will introduce James Joyce and Dubliners from the perspective of paralysis; dig out the reasons behind paralysis of Dublin society in late 19th century and beginning of 20th century; analyze the characters and relationship hinted in the lines.
  2. Reasons of Paralysis from Different Aspects
  “Paralysis” is the inability of physical movement, but it is also a spiritual, social, cultural, political, and historical malaise. Joyce depicts a deeply paralyzed society and despairing people in Dubliners. Let’s see the paralysis from the economic, religious and political aspects.
  3. An Analysis of Paralysis
  3.1 Paralysis in Religious Life. “The sisters” as the opening story of the collections, was first wrote in 1904 after Joyce being asked by George Russell to conjure up something “simple, rural?” for the Irish homestead. He used this opportunity to begin exploring the paralysis of Dublin life (Bulson 40). He ignored Russell’s simple request to avoid ”shocking” readers and wrote his first story about a nameless little boy’s relationship with an aged and dying priest. The story implied the moral tone of the entire collection “There was no hope for him this time”(Joyce 1) “him” refers to the priest of Catholic Church.“No hope” show the author’s attitude towards the illusory religious.
  3.2 Paralysis in Social Life. The social life refers to public life. The paralysis is everywhere. In “counterparts”, Mr. Parker is a middle age married man. Whenever he stays in the office and starts to work, “A spasm of rage gripped his throat for a moments and then passed, leaving after it a sharp sensation of thirst. The man felt that he must have a good night’s drinking”(85). In order to avoid the work responsibility and spend more time in drinking in the bar, he purposely lied the manager in work, and even sold out the only valuable possession – watch. After another one night drinking, he went back home. One of his little son was still waiting him for cooking dinner for him. After hearing the fire out, he “jumped up fiercely… striking at him vigorously with stick…”(96). He got paralyzed by alcoholism, ignoring all the responsibility from the work also the family.   3.3 Paralysis in Marriage Life.
  Marriage is a gradual process with beginning of falling in love, getting married, family life. Although there is no a completely story in the Dubliners which covers the full screen of marriage, Joyce presents us with different short stories concerned different marriage process. In “Eveline”, the girl Eveline earns the wages to support the whole family but lives under his father’s violence. As she doesn’t want to live a hard life as her dead mother, she fell in love with one man Frank, which she thought they would explore another life. Eveline wants to escape from the unhappiness marriage in Dublin. What she pursuit is the real love and her own happiness, but at the last moment, she gave up. Dublin is not only the paralysis centre of Irish but also the world.
  4. Conclusion
  Through revealing different characters trapped in their lives in Dublin, we may find that the entire Dublin is paralyzed. Economically, they were controlled by British government. Psychologically, their mind got illusioned by Christian’s lies. Politically, Irish government did nothing for freedom of their nation but busy with confliction inside the ruling party. All those made people trapped and paralyzed in all kinds of social relationships.
  [1]Derek,Attridge.James Joyce[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2000.Print.
  [2]Eric,Bulson.The Cambridge Introduction to James Joyce[M].Cambridge:Cambridge press,2006.Print.
  [3]Joyce,James.Dubliners[J].London:Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1993.Print.
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【Abstract】This is a real story about Yingcai, who struggle in the exam and get a new life through hard work, remembering that the original heart should not be lost for ever.  【Key words】Original heart
【摘要】“核心素养”是近年提出而在教育领域中出现的高频热点词汇,其为高中阶段教师学科教育与学生学科学习指明了方向、树立了目标。其是指:学生应具备的、能够适應终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力。并将英语学科对应的此品格和能力归为语言能力、思维品质、文化意识和学习能力四大模块。但基于学习能力更关乎学生在现代社会背景下的自主学习需求,而应当成为教师深加重视的一项教育内容。  【关键词】英语核心素
【摘要】在江苏省对口单招英语考试中,写作占总分20%,可谓分值高,难度大。本文探讨了教师在英语二轮复习中,如何高效利用课堂时间,引导学生复习作文,从而提高学生写作得分率。作者提出从下至上的写作教学模式,指导学生学会写词、句、段、篇,从而提升学生写作能力。  【关键词】写作;二轮复习;范式  【作者简介】陈慧(1981.01-),女,汉族,江苏扬州人,江苏省邗江中等专业学校,本科、在职研究生,讲师,
【摘要】作为主要的传统教学模式,课堂教学模式沿用至今。与此同时,在新背景下传统模式弊端显现,传统的课堂教学愈发难以满足教学需求,收效甚微。构建出一个高效教学模式是现今教育领域的所必须重视的,而就采取相关有效策略极为关键。故笔者就针对于初中英语,结合教学经验,构建出高效课堂模式以及实施的有效策略作简要的探析。  【关键词】传统教学;有效教学;有效策略  【作者简介】刘彩凤,邛崃市高埂中学英语教师。 
【摘要】英语是世界上应用最为广泛的语言,也是如今全国各地自小学起便展开教学的基础性学科之一。但是由于英语非母语,以及应用环境的缺失,小学生想学好英语并非易事。听、说、读、写四大环节中,读既是基础、也是生成较为稳定英语学习能力的“敲门砖”,要想改变部分小学生“读音不读意”的问题,基于绘本而生成的思维导图教学模式,不失为一种极为有效的尝试。  【关键词】小学英语阅读教学;思维导图;绘本教学  【作者简
【摘要】随着时代信息技术的发展,微博、微信、电影等信息技术传媒已广泛被人们所使用。与此同时,教育教学的不断深入改革,微课教学逐渐成为一种新的教学模式,被广大教师所使用。本文通过对中职英语教学中微课的使用情况进行分析,寻找更有效的微课运用方法。  【关键词】信息化;中职英语;微课  【作者简介】徐露,山东省济南市章丘中等职业学校。  前言  中职英语教学中可以广泛采用微课的教学模式,给学生播放音频、
【摘要】本文主要通过分析我校高中部学生的英语阅读现状,阐述了读后活动设计应该遵循的原则,结合自己平时的教育教学教研活动来分析如何有效合理地设计读后活动,进一步提高英语课堂的教学有效性。  【关键词】读后活动;阅读教学;课堂有效性  【作者简介】陈娇蓉,晋江市平山中学。  一、引言  阅读能力是英语听、说、读、写、看五种基本语言能力之一,2017年版新课标对高中毕业生有关阅读技能的要求是:能理解阅读