2008 Strong Results for Pesticides Firms

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According to statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, China manufactured 1.9million tons of pesticides in 2008, up 12%over 2007. Pesticide output in Jiangsu province was 538.9 thousand tons, ranking first,accounting for 28.4% of the national total,then came Zhejiang, Shandong, Anhui andHunan provinces. The total production value,on the basis of the selling prices, increased46.1%, translating to a price growth of around30% throughout 2008 given the sharp downturn in the second half.Rough data show that China now has morethan 600 pesticide technical (pesticide activeingredients) makers and over 1 800 pesticideformulations companies, in which 839 firmsachieved a total sale of RMB5 million in 2008.Through years of merge, elimination andcreation, the current leading players have According to statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, China produced 1.9million tons of pesticides in 2008, up 12% over 2007. Pesticide output in Jiangsu province was 538.9 thousand tons, ranking first, accounting for 28.4% of the national total, then came Zhejiang, Shandong, Anhui andHunan provinces. The total production value, on the basis of the selling prices, increased46.1%, translating to a price growth of around30% throughout 2008 given the sharp downturn in the second half.Rough data show that China now has more than 600 pesticide technical (pesticide activeingredients) makers and over 1 800 pesticideformulations companies, which 839 firmsachieved a total sale of RMB5 million in 2008.Through years of merge, elimination andcreation, the current leading players have
关于共同性斜视的病因学说很多。Donders 的调节学说认为:内斜是集合过强的结果,外斜是集合不足的结果。为更客观地说明调节幅度与共同性斜视的关系,本文用图形反转视觉诱发
摘要:随着我国素质教育的深入发展,培养学生的创新能力成为时代和社会发展的必然要求。化学是作为一门以实验为基础的自然科学,和其他学科相比,在培养学生创新能力方面有具有明显的优势。因此,在化学课堂中,教师应注重激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的创造性思维,鼓励学生敢于创新。本文对如何精心设计问题、创设教学情景和改革实验教学作了具体的阐述。  关键词:中学化学教学;创新能力;兴趣;问题;实验  中图分类号:
【正】 Huntsman Corporation and Laffans Petrochemicals Ltd.(Mumbai,India)announced June 12th they have signed a Letter of Intent pursuant to whichthe companies
本文解释和阐明了引入交流电并通过一个井下的“铁锤” (振荡器 )产生振荡从而提高近井地带原油流动性的新技术。文中对这项技术的工作原理加以论述 ,并列举和评价了在巴西、