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蝉花药用品为麦角菌科大蝉草菌 Cor-dyceps cicadae Shing 及其寄主昆虫动物蝉类若虫的干燥复合体,其性寒、味甘、具散风热,定惊镇痉等功能。有关文献表明,蝉花始载《证类本草》,为了了解蝉花的本草应用记载,本文对蝉花的药用和品种记录作了初步考证,发现始用蝉花应早于宋代,其药用种类较为复杂,值得进一步研究。1 本草中蝉花的应用记录蝉花之名首载于宋·唐慎微《证类本草》中,言“蝉花味甘寒,无毒,主小儿天吊,惊癎瘈疭,夜啼心悸。这一记录,为后世各本草学家所肯定。然而,蝉花之名实是《证类本草》从前人的记录中引用而来,较早的宋·苏颂等的《图经本草》中已提及蝉花之名,云:“今蜀中有一种蝉,其蜕壳头上有一角,如花冠状,谓之蝉花。西人有赍至下 The anthocyanins are dry complexes of the ragweed Coryneceps cicadae Shing and its host insects, the nymphs of the host insects, and are characterized by coldness, sweetness, dispersive wind and heat, and a certain alarming effect. Relevant literature indicates that the “Jin herbal medicine” contained in thistle flower was used for the purpose of understanding the herbal application records of thistle flower. This paper made a preliminary research on the medicinal and variety records of thistle flower and found that it was earlier than the Song Dynasty and the drug was used for the cultivation of thistle flower. The use of species is more complicated and worthy of further study. 1 The application records of thistle flower in the herb was first published in the Song Dynasty Tang Shenwei “Evidence Series Herbal”, saying “The flower is sweet and cold, non-toxic, the main children’s heaven hangs, the panic, and the night’s heart.” This record was affirmed by the later generations of the matrons.However, the name of the flower is actually quoted from the records of the predecessors, and the earlier Song Su Sung et al. The name of the flower has been mentioned. Yun: "There is a kind of cricket in this oyster. The oyster shell has a horn on it, like a corolla. Westerners have their way to the bottom
从粗毛淫羊藿地上部分分离出5种黄酮类化合物,它们的结构通过理化性质和光谱方法确定为宝藿甙Ⅳ,苜蓿素,淫羊藿素,icariside Ⅰ和宝藿甙Ⅰ。 Five flavonoids were isolated
各省辖市劳动和社会保障局 :为保证参保“非典”患者得到及时救治和疑似病人的收治确诊工作 ,根据卫生部、财政部、劳动和社会保障部、民政部《关于非典型肺炎患者和疑似病人