
来源 :燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcprint
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赵翼号瓯北,是清代乾隆嘉庆年间著名的文人。生前以诗人名世,与同时之袁枚、蒋士铨合称为乾隆三大诗家,收于《瓯北诗集》者达4883首之多。身后则以史学家见称,与钱大昕、王鸣盛齐名,其文学著作主要为《廿二史札记》与《陔馀丛考》二书。关于《廿二 史札记》之评价,原在钱大昕《二十二史考异》与王鸣盛《十七史商榷》之下,其后则逐渐提高而列于钱、王二人之书以上。其主要价值在从史法与史事方面,就二十四史原书作具体的分析评论,因而于初读二十四史者有导读的作用,为史学方面特具创造性的成就与贡献。 Zhao wing number Oubei, is the Qing Dynasty Qianlong Jiaqing famous writer. Before his death, the famous poet, Yuan Mei and Jiang Shuanquan at the same time collectively referred to as the three great Qianlong poets, collected in the “Oubei Poetry” up to 4883 first. Behind the historians see, with Qian Daxin, Wang Ming Sheng, whose literary works mainly “twenty-two history notes” and “more than Cong Cong test” two books. The evaluation of “Twenty-two Historical Notes”, originally in Qian Daxin “Twenty-two historical differences” and Wang Ming-sheng, “Seventeen History of the Argument”, then gradually increased and included in the money, the book of the two men . Its main value is the specific analysis and comment on the original books of Twenty-Four Histories from the aspects of history law and historical events. Therefore, it has a guiding role in the first reading of the history of twenty-four books and is a unique and creative achievement and contribution in history.
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