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新年伊始,万象更新。在喜庆的爆竹声中,我们送玉兔,迎金龙,欢欢喜喜过大年。刚刚过去的2011年,是宁夏实现“十二五”良好开局的一年。在党中央、国务院和自治区党委政府的坚强领导下,全区上下深入贯彻科学发展观,积极应对复杂多变的国内外经济形势,齐心协力,负重拼搏,取得了抓发展、惠民生、保稳定的重大胜利,经济总量跃上新台阶,结构调整取得新突破,人民生活水平又有新提高。同时,银川被确定为中阿经贸论坛永久举办地,沿黄经济区列入国 New year new life. In the festive firecrackers, we send jade rabbit, Ying dragon, rejoice over the New Year. The just past 2011 is the year when Ningxia realized its good start in the “12th Five-Year Plan”. Under the strong leadership of the Central Party Committee, the State Council and the party committee and government of the autonomous region, the entire district has thoroughly implemented the scientific concept of development and actively responded to the complicated and ever-changing economic situation both at home and abroad. Together, Stable and major victory, the total economic volume has risen to a new height, a new breakthrough has been made in structural readjustment, and the people’s living standards have been newly raised. At the same time, Yinchuan was identified as a permanent venue for the China-Arab Economic and Trade Forum and was included in the economic zone along the Yellow River
2007年10月18日江苏高邮一派节日景象。第四届中国邮文化节,在体现浓厚文化底蕴的邮都文化广场开幕。 October 18, 2007 Jiangsu Gaoyou faction holiday scene. The 4th Ch
QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST QUE LE D.E.A.?上海华东工业大学汪昌宁,王福祥LeD,E.A.,C,estlediplomed'etudesapprofondies.EnFranceletroisiemecycledel’ense... QU’EST-CE QUE C’EST QUE LE D. E. A. ? Shanghai East China University of Technology Wang Changning, Wang Fuxia
After seven consecutive quarters of slow growth, a turnaround is underway “The Chinese economy is like a train without a locomotive, los-ing power all of a sud