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鲁山国家森林公园位于山东省的中心,坐落在淄博市博山区池上镇,总面积6.3万亩,主峰观云峰海拔1108.3米,为山东第四高峰。公园气候属暖温带大陆性湿润季风气候,年降水量丰富,是淄、汶、弥、沂四河的水源涵养地。鲁山动植物资源十分丰富,森林覆盖率达95%,有植物1300种,鸟类168种,兽类22种,昆虫561种,踏进鲁山仿佛走进一片绿色的海洋。园区内空气清新,气候凉爽,是游览、观光、休闲、 Lushan National Forest Park is located in the center of Shandong Province, is located in Chishang Town, Boshan District, Zibo City, with a total area of ​​63,000 mu. The main peak of Mount Yunfeng is 1108.3 meters above sea level, the fourth highest peak in Shandong. Park climate is warm temperate continental wet monsoon climate, annual rainfall is rich, is Zi, Wen, Mi, Yisi River water conservation. Lushan animals and plants are very rich in resources, the forest coverage rate of 95%, there are 1300 species of plants, 168 species of birds, 22 species of beasts, 561 species of insects, into Lushan seem to walk into a green sea. Park fresh air, cool climate, is a tour, sightseeing, leisure,
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一、活动简介 2003年8月15日,青岛第十三届国际啤酒节(“青岛啤酒”百年大庆)开幕,届时,来自全国各地的数百名摩托车爱好者自驾摩托车汇聚青岛,参加第十三届青岛国际啤酒节
In the Xiaowan arch dam there are massive temperature cracks nearly parallel to the dam axis. Obviously, whether the cracks may spread or not during the water s
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