Study on early warning index of spatial deformation for high concrete dam

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangruidao10
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Owing to the deficiency in early warning for high concrete dam,a formula was established to characterize the deformation behavior of high concrete dam as a whole.The early warning index of spatial deformation was calculated by low probability principle on the basis of the deformation entropy formula proposed.The steps were as follows.Firstly,the probability method was utilized to define the degree of order and degree of chaos for each survey point.Secondly,the weight distribution among the survey points was calculated by projection pursuit analysis.Thirdly,the formula of holistic deformation entropy,which can represent the degree of order of high concrete dam,was established on the basis of synergetics and information entropy.Lastly,the early warning index of deformation entropy was computed by low probability method based on series of calculated deformation entropy values.An example showed that the dynamic property of deformation entropy is in accordance with both environmental variables and deflection deformation.Moreover,deformation entropy can be used to improve warning ability and safety management for high concrete dam. Owing to the deficiency in early warning for high concrete dam, a formula was established to characterize the deformation behavior of high concrete dam as a whole. Early warning index of spatial deformation was calculated by low probability principle on the basis of the deformation entropy formula proposed.The steps were as follows.Firstly, the probability method was utilized to define the degree of order and degree of chaos for each survey point .Secondly, the weight distribution among the survey points was calculated by projection pursuit analysis.Thirdly, the formula of holistic deformation entropy, which can represent the degree of order of high concrete dam, was established on the basis of synergetics and information entropy. Lastly, the early warning index of deformation entropy was computed by low probability method based on series of calculated deformation entropy values.An example showed that the dynamic property of deformation entropy is in accordance with both environmental variab les and deflection deformation. Moreover, deformation entropy can be used to improve warning ability and safety management for high concrete dam.
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