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新加坡自从去年由政府制定‘卓越体育2000年计划’以来,已经在羽毛球和乒乓球等项目上聘请了多名中国的优秀运动员和教练员,希望以此来寻找突破口,在亚洲以至世界大赛上抢金夺银。原中国羽毛球世界冠军赵剑华现已在新加坡一边学习工商管理的课程,一边在训练上帮助新加坡羽毛球队。在此之前新加坡羽毛球协会已经聘请了8位中国籍的羽毛球教练,而中国农历新年刚过,27岁的前中国羽毛球双打世界冠军姚芬也到达新加坡,并与新加坡羽毛球总会签订了一年合同,这样,在新加坡执教的中国羽毛球教练已达1O位。曾在中国乒乓球队效力多年的王小克夫妇以及前中国福建乒乓球队队长倪芸,也被新加坡乒乓球总会聘为国家队教练。 Singapore has hired several excellent athletes and coaches from China for badminton and table tennis since the 2000 Sports Excellence Plan was formulated by the government last year in the hope of finding a breakthrough in the Asian and world competitions Gold took the silver. Former Chinese Badminton World Champion Zhao Jianhua has been teaching Singapore’s badminton team while training on business administration in Singapore. Prior to this, the Singapore Badminton Association has hired eight Chinese national badminton coaches, while Chinese Lunar New Year has just passed. The 27-year-old former Chinese badminton doubles world champion Yao Fen also arrived in Singapore and signed a one-year contract with the Singapore Badminton Association In this way, coach coached in Singapore has reached 1O badminton coach. Wang Xiaoke, a former Chinese table tennis team who played for many years in China, and Ni Yun, a former table tennis team captain in Fujian Province of China, have also been hired as the national team coach by the Singapore Table Tennis Association.
2000年 6月 26日,美、英、德、日、法、中六国科学家一起向全世界宣布,人类基因组工作草图绘制完毕,草图覆盖了基因组 97%的空间, 85%的基因序列已被组装起来, 50%以上的序列接近完成
中美就中国加入世贸组织达成双边协议后 ,“入世”已经为时不远。作为国民经济重要组成部分的区域经济 ,如何抓住机遇 ,迎接挑战 ,主动在“入世”后与世界经济接轨呢?关键是要
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阐述了公路滑坡的特点、防治原则,并对防治措施进行了分析总结。 The characteristics of highway landslide and the prevention and cure principles are expounded, and