
来源 :物探化探计算技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lnawxu
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电阻率层析成像技术经过短短十几年的研究,已取得了令人瞩目的发展,并涌现出各种各样的反演方法。其中根据医学中应用电位成像(APT)技术改造过来的“等位线追踪法”以其简单、快速、有效等优点逐渐引起人们的注意。本文对这种方法作了深入细致的研究,对该方法的原理作了详细阐述,并给出微机实现和改进后的方法;对一些简单模型和较复杂模型的数值模拟结果进行了比较和分析;对较简单模型作了初步的物理模型实验,取得预期的效果;最后对影响该方法成像精度的一些因素进行分析和讨论,并给出一些结论和建议。 Resistivity tomography has achieved remarkable development after more than ten years of research, and various inversion methods have emerged. Among them, the “equipotential line tracing method” which is modified based on the technique of applied potential imaging (APT) in medicine gradually attracts people’s attention because of its simple, rapid and effective advantages. This paper makes a detailed and detailed study on this method, elaborates the principle of the method in detail, and gives the method of computer implementation and improvement. The numerical simulation results of some simple models and more complex models are compared and analyzed The preliminary physical model experiment was made for the simpler model and the expected result was obtained. Finally, some factors affecting the imaging accuracy of the method were analyzed and discussed, and some conclusions and suggestions were given.
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