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目的了解延安市不同职业人群体质现状,为顺利实施《全民健身计划纲要》和科学指导广大群众进行科学健身提供客观依据。方法采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对延安市5种职业人群体质现状进行调查研究与分析。结果 5种职业身高、体重值最高的为管理人员,其余依次为教师及科研人员、商业人员、工人、农民。农民的身高、体重平均水平值均低于其他4种职业;管理人员和教师及科研人员参加体育锻炼的比例较高,商业人员和工人次之,农民参加体育锻炼的比例最低;在不参加体育锻炼的原因中,主要是无兴趣、工作忙无时间以及无活动场地,分别占总数的42.3%、36.6%和13.0%;农民吸烟比例较高,其次为商业人员和工人,管理人员和教师及科研人员吸烟比例较低。农民患意外伤害比例高,管理人员和教师及科研人员患高血压疾病的人数较多,商业人员患消化系统疾病、工人得呼吸系统疾病的比例较高。结论农民职业人群的体质现状明显比其他几类职业人群差,管理人员和教师及科研人员体质最好,商业人员和工人体质一般。农民职业人群应该引起人们关注,建议应加强科学引导,采取有针对性措施加以改进。 Objective To understand the status of physique of different occupational groups in Yan’an and to provide an objective basis for the successful implementation of the “National Fitness Program” and for scientifically guiding the masses to carry out scientific fitness. Methods The research methods of literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and logical analysis were used to investigate and analyze the physical status quo of five occupational groups in Yan’an. Results The highest occupational height and weight of the five occupations were managers and the rest were teachers and researchers, commercial workers, workers and peasants. The average height and weight of peasants are lower than the other four occupations; the proportion of managers and teachers and researchers engaged in physical exercise is higher, the proportion of commercial workers and workers is the second, and the proportion of peasants participating in physical exercise is the lowest; while not participating in physical exercise Of the total, mainly 42%, 36.6% and 13.0% of the total, respectively. The proportion of farmers smoking was higher, followed by commercial workers and workers, management personnel and teachers and scientific research A lower percentage of people smoking. There is a high proportion of peasants suffering from accidental injuries, and there are more management personnel, teachers and researchers suffering from high blood pressure diseases, and commercial personnel suffering from digestive diseases and workers suffering from respiratory diseases. Conclusion The physique status of peasant occupational groups is obviously worse than that of several other occupational groups. The management personnel, teachers and researchers have the best physical constitution, and the commercial staff and workers generally have the same physique. The peasant occupational group should attract people’s attention. It is suggested that the scientific guidance should be strengthened and the pertinent measures should be taken to improve it.
【内容摘要】随着素质教育理念的普及以及新课改的逐步深化,社会各界越来与重视在教育中对学生问题意识的培养。高中阶段,学生的年龄与心理日益成熟,所以这一时期是培育学生问题意识与质疑精神的重要时期。本文阐述现在数学教学过程中培育高中生问题意识的意义,并就当前高中生在学习过程中问题意识的现状与存在的问题进行了分析和讨论。  【关键词】高中数学教学 问题意识 培养策略  创新是21世纪教育的根本特性已经成为
一 解题 这也是怪事:如今,实践中,使用“之所以”起句段的屡见不鲜;而理论界,指责其“错误”的也不绝于耳。 论者说:“这是由于尚不了解‘之所以’句式的来源和结构而造成的
摘 要:《旧唐书·魏徵传》中李世民说过,“夫以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以史为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失”。由此可见历史的重要性。在教学改革日益深化的今天,我们从不曾中断过对于历史教学的探究,而其中最值得关注的问题就是如何在高中进行有效历史教学。  关键词:高中历史;效率教学;新课程改  高中阶段是学生个性形成、自主发展的关键时期,对提高学生素质、为国家培养创新型人才具有重要意义。在课堂教学改