兴水千秋业 锐意谱新篇——商丘市水利建设50年成就辉煌

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刚刚迎来祖国的50华诞,我们又听到了治淮50周年的脚步声。淮河,这条昔日充满苍桑和辛酸的河流,50年来,特别是改革开放20年来,在“一定要把淮河修好”的伟大号召下,在中国共产党和各级政府的领导下,沿淮人民用勤劳和智慧,赋予淮河以新的生命,兴修了大量的水利工程,初步形成了较为完整的防洪、除涝和灌溉工程体系,全流域发生了翻天覆地的巨大变化。在这千年更迭、世纪之交的时刻。回眸半个世纪的历程,我们欣喜地看到,淮河正以崭新的面貌、高昂的姿态迈向21世纪。我们为辉煌的淮河而自豪!为今日的淮河而骄傲!本刊自本期起开辟《光辉历程》栏目,以饱蘸深情的笔墨,通过一个个鲜活的事例,讴歌治淮的伟大成就,向治淮50周年献礼! Just ushered in the 50th birthday of the motherland, we heard the footsteps of the 50th anniversary of Huai Huai. Over the past 50 years, especially over the past 20 years of reform and opening up, under the great call of “the Huaihe River must be repaired,” the Huaihe River, a river that was once full of mulberry and bitterness, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and governments at all levels, With diligence and wisdom, Huaihe was given a new life, a large number of water conservancy projects have been constructed, and a relatively complete system of flood control, waterlogging removal and irrigation has been formed. Great changes have taken place in the whole basin. In the millennium change, the turn of the century. Looking back at the course of half a century, we are delighted to see that the Huaihe River is heading towards the 21st century with a brand new appearance and a high profile. We are proud of the Huaihe Proud of today’s Huaihe! Since the beginning of this issue, the magazine has opened up the column of “glorious history”. With a full immersion of affectionate pen and ink, through a series of vivid examples and ample achievements of Acura and Huaihe River, this paper presents a gift to the 50th anniversary of the Huaihe River administration.
近期我国的走出去战略应该重点突出,形式多样,根据产业的不同,采取不同的策略和形式,以达到理想的效果。 Recently, our country’s going-out strategy should be focused
一、当代世界经济在曲折中缓慢复苏,总体形势依然严峻从上个世纪90年代末以来世界经济发展的经验表明,世界经济能否保持良好的势头,关键在于美 I. The Economic Recovery i