
来源 :税务研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqqqq721106
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文化产业的公共性和生产力性,决定着财税政策支持文化产业发展的必要性和重要性。本文通过运用绩效考核综合评价指数研究江苏省文化产业发展状况与财税政策之间的关系,证明地区财政投入指数与文化发展指数存在一致性,且地区文化企业的税负越低,文化产业发展水平越高。在此基础上,本文提出加大公共文化的财政投入,重点支持特色文化项目和重点文化工程,政府助推国有文化企业市场化、国际化及财政金融配合等促进文化产业发展的财税政策选择。 The publicity and productivity of cultural industries determine the necessity and importance of fiscal and tax policies in supporting the development of cultural industries. This paper studies the relationship between the development of cultural industries in Jiangsu Province and taxation and fiscal policies through the use of performance appraisal index to prove that there is consistency between the index of regional financial investment and the index of cultural development and the tax burden of regional cultural enterprises is lower and the level of development of cultural industries The higher. On this basis, this paper proposes to increase financial investment in public culture, focusing on support for special cultural projects and key cultural projects. The government encourages the state-owned cultural enterprises to marketization, internationalization and financial cooperation to promote the development of cultural industries.
在05年岁末的漫天飞雪里,VIA隆重推出了全新的AMD K8平台芯片组——K8T900。该款产品率先支持比上代K8T890Pro更先进的DualGFX Express Pro,达成×8+×8的双显示接口系统,更
目的调查分析泰安地区健康体检人群血清同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)水平。方法收集2016-2017年1 344例健康体检人群Hcy结果进行调查分析,Hcy由检验科采用酶联免疫吸附法测定。结果泰安
患者,女,6岁.3 d前因受凉出现咳嗽、流涕、伴发热.体检:T 38.2℃,P 88次,呼吸稍促,肺听诊可闻及少许干鸣音,实验室检查WBC 10.2×109/L、N 0.77 、L 0.20;X线胸透(-).既往无泌尿系感染史.拟诊上呼吸道感染,给予口服阿莫西林(每次0.125 g,每天3次),小儿速效感冒灵(0.2 g,每天3次)。
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In this paper, we report the synthesis and self-assembly of double-hydrophilic hyperbranched graft copolymers of HPG-g-PDMAEMA, which consist of a hyperbranched
案例中幼儿对教师创设的“自然资源区”很快失去了兴趣,分析其原因可能有以下几点。  第一,该区域投放的材料单一,幼儿可操作的方式也单一。教师除了加工过的木材外,投放较多的是美工用品,“自然资源区”俨然成了美工区。我认为,既然是自然资源区,就要投入更多自然资源,比如,枯树枝、落叶、果实、种子,甚至泥土、石头等,也可以投放有时令性的自然资源,让幼儿真正感受自然的魅力。除此之外,可以投放放大镜、尺子、记录