Do’s And Don’ts In Mongolia

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:edu009
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  You can visit the family anytime during ordinary days because Mongolian people are always hospitable and friendly. They offer food; drinks for guests who arrived from far places. House owners of the‘ger’ would wish you to feel at home. Please remember the following:
  Greet the family members and sit down. Mongolians respect by sitting, but Europians show respect by standing. Do not sit putting one leg over another, or else people will think that you are looking down on them.
  Do not cross your arm over your chest while sitting. They would think that you are sick.
  Do not point at people. They would think that you bring them to bad things.
  It is not allowed to show your palm to others, put up your shoulders, put up your nose and bend your neck because Mongolians dislike it and would think that they made their guests angry. Therefore, they would start worrying about it.
  Women can not sit on the place of honor where men sit. Most of Asian people respect men and give them a seat in the place of honor.
  If a present is given right upon getting in a ger, they will be upset and surprised and worried. The custom is to present a gift before leaving.
  Mongolians dislike when people drink tea holding from the top of the cup and would think that they do not know Mongolian custom but will not have courage to tell it straight.
  It is common for Mongolian people to offer tea and food for guests, therefore, not necessary to say “Thank you” every time if tea is offered. They would think that you never visited a family and disrespect the family. It is respectful to say at the end: “Thank you so much for your respect.” While they are offering food it is not good to say “I have to go”. This makes the owner of the family nervous and as if you are telling them “I’m going now, give me the gift!”. Therefore, you can tell some reasons like “I have to move earlier because I have many things to do”.
  Do use two hands or the right hand to offer or to take something. Hold a cup by the bottom, not by the top.
  ger n. 蒙古包
  palm n. 手掌
  (What other do’s and don’ts do you know about in Mongolia?)
同学们都知道head表示“头部”的意思,头在人的身体中起着重要的作用。今天我们学习“head”有关的地道短语。这些在口语和书面表达中都能经常用到哇!1.I always keep my hea
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