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近年来,各地掀起了学习中国传统文化的热潮,呈现“国学热”现象,新课程改革实行三级课程管理模式,促使很多小学不断尝试开发校本国学课程。但是由于对国学概念的演变和其当代定位缺乏充分的认识,不同小学在开发与实施校本国学课程时,无法准确把握课程的实施取向,不能很好地适应新时期教学教育的发展。基于此,本文围绕着基于国学概念演变的小学校本国学课程实施取向这一中心论点,先对国学概念演变进行分析,并从三个方面对基于国学概念演变的小学校本国学课程实施取向进行了思考探究。 In recent years, various localities have set off a wave of learning Chinese traditional culture and presented the phenomenon of “craze for Chinese learning.” The implementation of the new curriculum reform in a three-level curriculum management mode has prompted many primary schools to constantly try to develop a school-based national learning curriculum. However, due to the lack of sufficient understanding of the evolution of the concept of Sinology and its contemporary orientation, different primary schools can not accurately grasp the orientation of the curriculum when developing and implementing the school-based Sinology curriculum and can not properly adapt to the development of the teaching and learning in the new era. Based on this, this dissertation centers on the central argument that the orientation of Guoxue’s concept is based on the orientation of the implementation of the Guoxue Cuncurriculum in elementary school. Firstly, it analyzes the evolution of Guoxue’s concept of Chinese and considers the implementation orientation of Guoxue Courses based on the concept of Guoxue Explore.
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