Transcranial magnetic stimulation: potential treatment for co-occurring alcohol, traumatic brain inj

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shen41941395
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Alcohol use disorder(AUD), mild traumatic brain injury(m TBI), and posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) commonly co-occur(AUD + m TBI + PTSD). These conditions have overlapping symptoms which are, in part, reflective of overlapping neuropathology. These conditions become problematic because their co-occurrence can exacerbate symptoms. Therefore, treatments must be developed that are inclusive to all three conditions. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(r TMS) is non-invasive and may be an ideal treatment for co-occurring AUD + m TBI + PTSD. There is accumulating evidence on r TMS as a treatment for people with AUD, m TBI, and PTSD each alone. However, there are no published studies to date on r TMS as a treatment for co-occurring AUD + m TBI + PTSD. This review article advances the knowledge base for r TMS as a treatment for AUD + m TBI + PTSD. This review provides background information about these co-occurring conditions as well as r TMS. The existing literature on r TMS as a treatment for people with AUD, TBI, and PTSD each alone is reviewed. Finally, neurobiological findings in support of a theoretical model are discussed to inform TMS as a treatment for co-occurring AUD + m TBI + PTSD. The peer-reviewed literature was identified by targeted literature searches using Pub Med and supplemented by cross-referencing the bibliographies of relevant review articles. The existing evidence on r TMS as a treatment for these conditions in isolation, coupled with the overlapping neuropathology and symptomology of these conditions, suggests that r TMS may be well suited for the treatment of these conditions together. These conditions have overlapping symptoms which are, in part, reflective of the overlapping traumatic brain injury (m TBI), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) commonly co-occur (AUD + m TBI + PTSD) These conditions become problematic because their co-occurrence can exacerbate symptoms. These conditions become problematic because their co-occurrence can exacerbate symptoms. occurring AUD + m TBI + PTSD. There is accumulating evidence on r TMS as a treatment for people with AUD, m TBI, and PTSD each alone. However, there are no published studies to date on r TMS as a treatment for co-occurring AUD + m TBI + PTSD. This review article advances the knowledge base for r TMS as a treatment for AUD + m TBI + PTSD. This review provides background information about these co-occurring conditions as well as r TMS. The existing literature on r TMS as a Finally, neurobiological findings in support of a theoretical model are discussed to inform TMS as a treatment for co-occurring AUD + m TBI + PTSD. The peer-reviewed literature was identified by targeted literature searches using Pub Med and supplemented by cross-referencing the bibliographies of relevant review articles. The existing evidence on r TMS as a treatment for these conditions in isolation, coupled with the overlapping neuropathology and symptomology of these conditions, suggests that r TMS may be well suited for the treatment of these conditions together.
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