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本刊第9期发表的《新型路轨两用消防车开始服务北京地铁》一文,引起了一些读者和爱好者的关注。为迎接2006年10月26—29日第11届国际消防设备技术交流展览会(北京,2年1届)的召开,本期特再刊发2篇与消防车应用相关的文章,以飨读者。从1957年11月30日实施《消防监督条例》,到1984年10月1日实施《消防条例》,再到1998年9月1日实施《消防法》,我国一直采用以公安消防力量为骨干、多种形式消防队伍共同发展的消防体系。按照规定,火灾危险性较大、距离当地公安消防队(站)较远的大、中型企业或较大的事业单位,组建了场内消防队(所需经费基本由本单位开支),配备了消防车辆和设备以及专职或义务消防员,除服务本企业外,还服务于社会,但其消防设备的闲置和维护等问题一直困扰着企业。如何在毫不影响防火、灭火的情况下,有限拓展消防车的个别用途,可以说是一种有益的尝试,或是一种思路的开拓。欢迎相关生产厂商和企事业单位的用户予以思考并参与讨论。 The 9th issue of the publication of “new dual-purpose rail dual-use fire service Beijing subway service,” aroused the concern of some readers and enthusiasts. In order to meet the October 26-29, 2006 11th International Fire Extinguisher Technology Exchange Exhibition (Beijing, 2 years 1 session), the issue of special issue of two articles and fire truck application to readers . From November 30, 1957 the implementation of the “Fire Supervision Regulations” to October 1, 1984 implementation of the “Fire Regulations” and then to September 1, 1998 implementation of the “Fire Act,” China has been using the public security and fire power as the backbone , Firefighting team of various forms of common development of the fire protection system. In accordance with the provisions of the larger fire risk, far from the local Public Security Fire Brigade (station) large, medium-sized enterprises or larger institutions, the formation of the field fire brigade (basic requirements by the unit expenses), equipped with fire Vehicles and equipment, as well as full-time or volunteer firefighters, serve the community in addition to their own businesses, but issues such as the unavailability and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment have been plaguing businesses. How to expand the fire truck’s individual use without any impact on fire prevention or fire fighting can be a helpful attempt or a way of thinking. Users are welcome to think about the relevant manufacturers and enterprises and participate in the discussion.
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