
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nsldp
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陕西省高陵县耿镇,地处渭河南岸,全镇有6个行政村,13000多人口,耕地17264亩,地势平坦,地下水资源丰富,为纯井灌区。有机井345眼,配套完好的有297眼。有变压器21台,低压线路78.92公里,电动机526台。农村实行家庭承包责任制后,新的管理办法没有跟上,曾一度出现用电难、浇地难的局面。在镇党委与政府的领导下,1985年成立了水电服务公司,对水、电实行统一管理。6个行政村分别设立水电管理小组,把完好机井297眼承包给144人。形式有三种:一是大包千。由71人包了192眼井。由村民小组将配套完好的提水机具交给承包人,并 Gengzhen, Gaoling County, Shaanxi Province, is located on the south bank of the Weihe River. The town has 6 administrative villages, more than 13,000 population and 17264 mu of cultivated land. It is flat and has abundant groundwater resources. There are 345 organic wells, 297 well-equipped. There are 21 transformers, low-voltage lines 78.92 kilometers, 526 motor Taiwan. After the implementation of household contract responsibility system in rural areas, the new management practices have not kept pace with the situation that power supply was difficult and irrigation was once difficult. Under the leadership of the town party committee and the government, a hydroelectric service company was set up in 1985 to exercise unified management of water and electricity. The six administrative villages set up hydropower management teams respectively, contracting 297 intact wells to 144 people. There are three forms: First, a large package of thousands. By the eyes of 192 people wrapped in 71. The village team will be supporting the perfect water lifting equipment to the contractor, and
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重庆市江津县现龙乡党委,加强水利工程管理,使全乡水利设施完好无损。主要经验有四条: 一、加强思想工作,建立完善保护制度。乡党委多次在各种会议上,针对部分干部群众忽视
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天下之势,所谓分久必合,合久必分,石油行业也不例外。从上世纪末刮起的并购风,而今又呼呼悠悠地刮进了新世纪。 3月5日美国的“油气在线”报道说,美国得克萨斯州达拉斯EXCO