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各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 近年来,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,特别是民营经济的壮大,全省基本调查单位数量急剧增加,性质、行业、分布变动十分频繁。为及时准确地掌握全省基本调查单位的情况,搞准搞实统计数据,使统计工作更好地为各级党政领导服务,为社会发展和经济建设服务,必须做好统计登记管理工作,提高源头数据质量,保证统计工作的顺利开展。经省政府同意,现就有关问题通知如下: 一、切实提高对统计登记管理工作重要性和必要性的认识。统计登记管理是各级党政领导掌握本行政区域内基本单位情况的需要,是统计工作重要的基础工作之一,是顺利开展各项国情国力普查和统计调查的基本前提,是保证统计数据质量的基本措施,同时也是法律赋予统计部门的权力和职责,是统计依法行政的具体体现。加强统计登记管理工作 In recent years, with the development of the socialist market economy, especially the expansion of the private economy . The number of basic investigation units in the province has risen sharply. The nature, industry and distribution have been changing frequently. In order to timely and accurately grasp the situation of the basic investigation units in the province, and to permit the accurate statistics and statistics so that the statistical work can serve the party and government leaders at all levels better and serve the social development and economic construction, we must do a good job of statistical registration and management, Improve the quality of source data and ensure the smooth running of statistical work. With the consent of the provincial government, we hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows: I. We will earnestly raise our awareness of the importance and necessity of statistical registration and management work. Statistics registration management is the need for party and government leaders at all levels to master the basic units in their respective administrative regions. It is also one of the basic basic tasks for statistical work. It is the basic premise for the successful conduct of the census and statistical surveys of various national conditions and powers and the guarantee of statistical data quality The basic measures, but also the law gives the power and responsibility of the statistical department, is a statistical manifestation of the law-based administration. Strengthen statistical registration management
一、钓组。用2.7米软调海竿,多轴承旋压式绕线轮,不超过直径0.3毫米的优质软钓线。串钩要短,拴3只钩即可,钩一般用3号白狐钩,此钩钩柄长,钩尖锋利,易挂蚯蚓。用 First, fish
中国足球的职业化和产业化已走过了十个年 头,然而不管是在竞技层面,还是经营绩效,中 国足球整体作为一个产业仍然惨淡经营、艰难求 生。曾几何时,各俱乐部疯狂扩军备战,各路
本文研究了微量杂质铅和铋对粉末冶金奥氏体不锈钢(AISI 316L)热塑性的影响。发现铅和铋对粉末不锈钢的有害效果与对相应的传统不锈钢的效果相类似。当铅含量超过20ppm 或铋
当阳玉泉寺是闻名中外的佛教圣地,因旅游营销力度不够,使其旅游发展相对乏力。本文借鉴SWOT分析方法,制定符合玉泉寺发展现状的营销策略,以提高其旅游竞争优势。 When the Y