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In this paper, we report the investigation of the interaction between room temperature phosphorescence(RTP) probe, α bromonaphthalene( α BrN), and a series of cholate surfactants using RTP spectroscopy. It was found that intense RTP of α bromonaphthalene can only be induced in aqueous deoxycholate sodium(NaDC) solution. This observation showed that the interior structure of NaDC aggregate was more rigid and efficient in shielding the excited state of α BrN from oxygen quenching. The experiments suggested that the more chiral separation capability of NaDC aggregate of could be due to its more rigid interior structure. In this paper, we report the investigation of the interaction between room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) probe, α bromonaphthalene (α BrN), and a series of cholate surfactants using RTP spectroscopy. It was found that intense RTP of α bromonaphthalene can only be induced This observation showed that the interior structure of NaDC aggregate was more rigid and efficient in shielding the excited state of α BrN from oxygen quenching. The experiments suggested that the more chiral separation capability of NaDC aggregate of could be due to its more rigid interior structure.
恒星物理贫金属星重元素丰度研究进展周贵德 ( 4) . 1………………………………………………太阳物理 射电天文1 993年 5月日面AR750 0中暗条的动力学特征姜云春 ,栾蒂 ( 1 )
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