文明服务新气象 依法行政谱华章

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渔沟财政所座落在素有“中国观赏石之乡”之称的全国生态文明先进镇——灵璧县渔沟镇。所内现有干部职工9人,可谓兵强将勇,他们以求真务实、开拓创新、勇于实践为目标,坚持文明服务,依法行政,为财政队伍树立了良好形象。2009-2012年,渔沟财政所连续四次获得财政局岗位目标先进单位光荣称号;2008-2012年被授予全市财政系统先进集体;2011年被省财政厅授予规范化财政所创建先进单位。全体财政干部在所长程仲超的带领下,精细操作,改善民 Yugou Finance Bureau is located in the town known as “China ornamental stone ” said the national ecological civilization advanced town - Lingbi County fishing groove town. The existing cadres and workers of 9 people, can be described as Bingqiang Yong, they seek truth and being pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, the courage to practice as the goal, adhere to civilized services, according to law, for the financial team has set a good image. From 2009 to 2012, Yugou Finance Bureau won the glorious title of advanced unit in the post of Financial Bureau for four consecutive times. From 2008 to 2012, it was awarded the advanced collective of the city’s financial system. In 2011, it was awarded the advanced unit created by the Ministry of Finance. Under the leadership of its director, Cheng Zhongchao, all the financial cadres have meticulously operated to improve people’s livelihood
Novel phthalimide derivatives(4a,4b and 6a-6e)were designed as hybrids of thalidomide and NO-ASA,and their chemical synthesis and in vitro biological activities
The pathogen and characteristics, infection cycle, occurrence regularity and damage symptoms of sweet potato stem nematode disease were introduced in the paper.
宫外孕是妇科急症,及时诊断正确治疗才能取得良好预后。我院近3年共收治宫外孕149例,现就误诊及发病主要因素分析,探讨如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 发病率:2000年1月至2002年12月