On the teaching reform of advanced mathematics

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  【Abstract】under the background of the existing plight of mathematics teaching in most Chinese universities, the author, with the help of her own teaching experience and gains from the Southwest JiaoTong University Seminar on the teaching capability promotion, analyzed the problems concerning advanced mathematics teaching, including course orientation, teaching reforming guiding theory, and the more reasonable overall teaching goal, put forward some concrete measures ,The author hopes that her views and experience can be beneficial for other math staffs’ reference and Chinese college education as well.
  【Key words】curriculum orientation; guiding theory; overall goal; practice projects
  As a scientific language commonly used in college disciplines, the advanced mathematics plays a prominent role in the cultivation of students’ thinking quality and promotion of their following courses learning. In view of the status quo of the world’s increasingly dependence on mathematics, it is urgent to meet the actual needs of the times by accelerating the reform of mathematics education, however, what can not be denied is that the teaching reform in china’s College Mathematics Curriculum is easier said than done: Although there are many attempts to research on teaching content and teaching mode among educators, the fundamental change haven’t come into being yet, since such unpleasant phenomenon is even criticized by Tsien Hsueshen and Chen Shengshen, the two iconic scientists, which in turn means that the reforming of advanced mathematics course is not only imperative, but imminent.
  a. Curriculum orientation, reforming goal and guiding theory
  Grade teaching in domestic universities has already begun, mathematics experiment and competition classes have partly set, online homework correcting have gradually started, and traditional assessment methods of final results are changing, mathematics learning interest group are being formed, and the creation of intensive test preparation for postgraduates entrance exam and study abroad are also vigorously promoted, which are all the beneficial attempts and certain achievements have been made by carrying out these activities. however, it should be pointed out that some faults are also exposed in such process, like the course orientation of mathematics is fuzzy, the cultivation of students’ ability is not sufficient, the actual effect is limited even if the mathematics experimental class have been opened, and the most embarrassing problem is that we are short of feasible method to cope with such problems though we have recognized them. Therefore, the real dilemma of the teaching reform of advanced mathematics course is not whether there are many new teaching methods, but how to effectively solve the problems in the process of reforming:   (a) considering the facts that students are in different specialties and varied levels, teaching reformers had better position the curriculum accordingly, for example, for the students of mathematics major, staffs should focus on training and improving students’ logical thinking system and calculation skills in the practical teaching, classroom instruction should be concise but deep; in the face of the students who are from ordinary science and engineering colleges and treat mathematics as their basic courses, teachers should aim to make the students have necessary mathematics thoughts in the practical teaching, urge them to master the basic mathematical concepts or theories, and grasp the primary calculation and application ability; as for students from arts or vocational colleges, instructors need to keep in mind that mathematics here has become a tool to help students solve practical problems to a great extent, make students aware of the actual effect of mathematics learning and cultivate their interest in this subject, and to promote students’ application capability has become the main teaching target in such situation. In a word, only to realize the accurate positioning of the curriculum, the teaching reform will not be followed by the inconsistency between the expected target and the actual results, the theoretical methods and specific practice.
  (b)To make the reform not be “disordered”, setting up the specific teaching objectives of the course is also essential: in the spirit of laying necessary foundation for students in learning follow-up courses and obtain mathematical knowledge, teachers should urge students to master such basic concepts, theories and calculation method as calculus and variables, etc., train them to utilize what they have acquired in the classroom to solve practical problems, especially develop their ability in coping with problems related to the field of professional mathematics.
  (c) Having set the goal of teaching reform, the correct guiding theory is needed to guarantee the realization of the reforming goal. How to meet the specialty training objectives, adapt to the students’ professional development needs and acceptance capacity to the greatest degree, pay attention to what students should learn rather than what teachers should instruct, the real enhancement of students’ learning ability instead of their paper grades, cultivate students’ ability to solve problems than the teachers’ so-called knowledge inculcation, will become a major opportunity in deepening the reform of teaching contents and methods.   b. the specific reforming practice
  In the daily teaching activities, teachers, keeping the student oriented principle in minds, should help students solve the theoretic and practical math problems while weaken students’ learning difficulties by maximizing the use of auxiliary technical measures including computers, optimize the traditional curriculum content to some degree, avoid the time consumption caused by theoretical derivation, deductive proof, calculation skills, and specific types of question in class, pay attention to the demonstration of particular examples, strengthening of concepts or theories, penetration of mathematical models, and the proper thinking method, emphasize the importance of cultivating students’ ability in autonomous learning and practical problems solving, and urge students to “learn to use” than “memorize to be scored” throughout the teaching process.
  In addition, teachers can also be “individualized” in the interpretation of the rule “teach students in accordance of their aptitude”, that is, teachers can adopt different teaching methods according to different materials (knowledge module), for example, in the units which are aimed to help students master basic mathematics knowledge, direct instruction or “more practice, less instruction” will be the effective ways; as for the units whose purpose are to master the calculation method, the practice teaching method can be the best choice, while in the units for solving practical problems with the help of acquired knowledge, teachers might as well adopt the “ask questions and answer them” method , in short, a qualified teacher should be flexible and thoughtful in his practical teaching .
  In addition, while all the mathematics teachers recognize the importance of “learning amid doing, while doing amid learning” in the cultivation of students’ mathematical thinking, correction of students’ learning attitude, and promoting students to form the interest in mathematics learning, few of them really know how to help students combine the theory learning and practice application well. In view of the connotation of mathematical thinking ability is composed of abstract thinking, logical reasoning, spatial imagination and other factors, to cultivate students’ ability in these three aspects and really improve the students’ mathematics accomplishment, teachers should consider increasing the number of mathematical practice project properly and incorporate mathematical modeling thought into the process of teaching reform.   Since the role of Experiment and modeling in cultivating students’ ability of mathematical thinking and solving practical problems with mathematical tools has been demonstrated in many colleges and universities, starting mathematical experiment and modeling course to enhance students’ application and innovation ability is essential in the reforming of college mathematics teaching. To cultivate students who have grasped certain mathematics knowledge and developed some mathematical thoughts to solve practical problems in real life and scientific research with existing mathematical software, teachers can uphold the project oriented principle, by selecting 5-8 students(free combination, can also be designated by teachers) to form a unit or several units and complete the according unit (or group )projects in or after class. Finally, students, who have gone through the process of data acquisition, chart expression, software drawing, function fitting, analysis and prediction, should prove what they have gained or improved in such process as information acquisition, self-learning, evaluation and reflection, solving practical problems, and communication by submitting a research report ( in Word) or some presentation material (in PPT) to teachers, with those reports or presentations in hand, teachers do not have to worry about there is no other assessments of students’ learning except final exams any more. In the specific scoring process, the performance of the representative selected at random in a unit will directly determine the average scores of the group, and the scoring of each student in a group will be accomplished by mutual evaluation among the team members themselves.
  Since reform college mathematics teaching to meet the needs of the present social development and technological progress has become the general trend, Chinese educators need to fix up appropriate curriculum orientation, reform objectives and guiding theories, and to complete this huge project, adoption of effective reforming method will be the only way to succeed.
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【摘要】军校学员由于其特殊性,英语学习效果相对于地方大学学生较差,本文从军校学员的特性出发,针对课程设置、学习动机、时间安排和学员管理几个方面对提高军校学员英语学习效果的策略进行分析。  【关键词】军校学员;英语学习效果;策略  引言  英语作为大学生必修课之一,其重要性在不断提升,军校英语教学大纲规定,军校生长干部学员应完成至少220课时的大学英语课程,大学英语学习贯穿了学员大一、大二全年,甚至
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【摘要】初中在整个教学过程中起到承上启下的重要作用,英语又是他们学习的必修课,如何走出以往教学的误区,建立新的教学思路,就成为了当前教学的重点。  【关键词】新课改;初中英语;高效课堂;误区;新思路  受到应试教学理念的制约,我国初中英语教学无论是方式方法还是课堂互动,都显得不够灵活,难以激发学生主动学习的兴趣。特别是在素质教育理念的推动下,英语高效教学成为了新的目标。本文就结合当前初中英语教学的
【摘要】在新课改的背景下,小学生英语核心素养形成已经成为老师教育教学课程目的的一大关键部分,也是贯彻全方位发展观念的主要展现。文章根据小学英语核心素养的培养策略展开了一系列的分析和论述。  【关键词】小学;英语;核心素养  【作者简介】黄淑英,浙江省金华市浦江县虞宅乡中心小学。  引言  国内学生把发展核心素养划分为基础文化、自主发展、社会参与三个层面,整体表现为人文内涵、科学文明、会学习、健康生
【摘要】随着社会的快速发展,英语的使用范围也越来越广泛,所以,我国的学校教育中对英语的教学质量也更加的重视。科学技术的快速发展,让当前的信息技术设备在小学课堂中的使用也成为了现实,一些先进的多媒体技术设备对提高当前小学英语教学的质量提供了全新的支持。怎样将信息技术设备与小学英语数学教学结合起来,是当前急需研究的一个问题。本文就主要对当前信息技术设备在小学英语教學中的应用进行了简单的分析。  【关键
【摘要】翻转课堂是基于现代信息技术的课堂教学模式,对提高课堂教学质量和水平有着重要的推动作用,本文主要以英语课堂教学为研究对象,通过分析和阐述翻转课堂基本概念及特征,指出翻转课堂的英语教学价值,对实现英语翻转课堂教学途径进行深入探究。  【关键词】翻转课堂;英语教学;应用途径  【作者简介】李丽娟(1985.10-),女,河南商丘人,郑州市第五十一中学,本科,中教一级,研究方向:英语课程教学。  
【摘要】在初中英语教学的过程中,阅读能力是十分重要的,这也是提高初中英语教学成果的保证。所以,在初中英语教学的过程中,需要重视培养学生的阅读能力,关键是要提高中学生的听、说、读、写能力。这就要求教师在初中英语教学的过程中,重视培养学生的阅读能力,提高学生主动阅读的积极性,从而掌握更多的英语知识。  【关键词】初中英语教学;学生;阅读能力  引言  在初中英语教学的过程中,学生需要具备一定的阅读能力
【摘要】在经济全球化的趋势来看,英语已经成为一种国际语言,在英语教学中培养学生文化之间的沟通能力具有重要作用。在教授英语的同时,教师还需要让学生深入了解英语国家的文化,并在多元文化背景下进行交流,通过强大的专业能力培养跨文化人才。本文介绍了跨文化交际的概念,从教学的角度和教学的方式出发,探讨了在对大学英语教学中跨文化交际的概念及其有效渗透的对策。  【关键词】跨文化交际;高校英语教学;教学策略