The negative transfer of Xi’an dialect on students’English Pronunciation

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  【Abstract】The paper mainly demonstrates some pronunciation errors among middle school students, especially the first grade junior students in Xi’an Gaoxin Dier School, when learning English and analyzes the reasons by comparing Xi’an dialect and English with language transfer, articulatory phonetics as theoretical basis. At last, the paper gives some counter methods to facilitate the students learning in English pronunciation and further improve their oral English.
  【Key words】negative transfer; Xi’an dialect; English pronunciation
  1. Introduction
  English as a language, its pronunciation is an important medium to achieve the communication function. The wrong or nonstandard pronunciation directly affects the English learners listening and oral competence, and further influence the communication process. For Chinese students, they speak local dialect mostly in their daily life. When learning English, their local dialect has a deep influence, especially the pronunciation. During teaching, we English teachers find that students always make some pronunciation errors due to the negative transfer of Xi’an dialect. The paper analyzes the problematic pronunciation theoretically and gives some suggestions to make students learn English pronunciation easily and correctly.
  2. Theoretical Basis
  2.1 Language transfer
  Transfer, the term was originally derived from the Latin word ‘transfer’ and the meaning of it is ‘to bear, to print to impress or to copy from one language to another’ (Webster Third New World International Dictionary, 1986). Later, the developed meaning is used in linguistics. Transfer is a traditional term from psychology of learning which means imposition of previously learned patterns onto a new learning situation.(Ludmila, 2005) It is a popular belief that the mother tongue can have a facilitation or inhibition effect during the process of second language learning. ‘Foreign’ accents in the second language learners’ speech well support the belief. For example, when a Frenchman speaks English, it sounds French. The Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (Lado, 1957) attempted to describe language transfer in second language acquisition based on the similarities and differences between the first language and the second language. If there are many similarities between the two languages, the first language will give rise to second language learning. If there are great differences, the first language gets in the way or interferes with the learning of second language. Usually, the facilitation effect is known as positive transfer, while inhibition effect as negative transfer.   2.2 Xi’an dialect
  People of different parts in China speak different dialect, and there are four frequently heard dialects, which are respectively Mandarin, Wu, Min and Yue . Xi’an, the capital city of Shaanxi, played many essential roles in politics and culture in ancient times. It was ever the capital of four dynasties, Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasty. And the status of Xi’an dialect has been established during those periods. Although Major Xi’an dialect belongs to Guanzhong region, it includes native Xi’an dialect, Xi’an dialect spoken by Hui people and Xi’an dialect with Henan accent because of the migrants.
  2.3 Articulatory Phonetics
  The general study of the characteristics of speech sounds is called Phonetics, while articulatory phonetics is the study of how speech sounds are made or articulated. (The study of language, P41) And among the sounds in English, some are constants and some are vowels. According to A. C. Gimson (1970) in English, there are 24 constants, 20 vowels in English and (/ts/ /tr/ /dz/ and /dr/ is defined as constants clusters but not phonemes. In articulatory phonetics, constants can be classified by place of articulation and manner of articulation. According to the place of articulation, sounds produced at the lips are labials, at the alveolar ridge are alveolars, at the palate are palatals, and at the velum are velars. In terms of manner of articulation, constants can be divided as stops, fricatives, affricatives, nasals, approximants and etc. Constants are usually articulated via closure or obstruction in the vocal tract, while vowel sounds are produced with a relatively free flow of air. And there are 12 monophthongs and 8 diphthongs. The pronunciation of the monophthongs is depended on the place of the tongue in the oral cavity, the opening extent of the gum and the lip shape, while the diphthongs always need glide when pronouncing. For the description of vowel sounds, the tongue is divided into 3 general sections, font, mid and back. In the articulatory phonetics, the articulation of vowels can be classified as (1) high vs. low; (2) front vs. back; (3) long vs. short; (4) round vs. un-round; (5)glide vs. non-glide. For instance, /u: / is a high, back, long and round sound.
  3. Problematic English Pronunciation
【摘要】笔者介绍了高等职业院校学生应该具备的英语能力,指出教学中存在的不足,并结合九江职业大学基本情况,就有效推动高职英语教学改革提出相应策略,主要包括重视信息技术应用、加强实训活动、创新教学方法、完善课程设置、加强实践教学、提高教师素质等内容。  【关键词】高等职业院校 职业英语 教学改革 创新 实践教学  引言  英语是高职院校课程教学的重要内容,做好这门课程教学活动有利于激发学生兴趣,提高口
【摘要】由于用时少、效率高、检测手段灵活的特点,说课逐渐成为各地中小学校选拔新教师的重要考核手段。地方本科院校的人才培养方案中已加大对师范生说课的理论学习和实践训练。但是,部分师范生在面试说课时,依然分不清说课和上课的区别,说课时存在重点不突出、亮点不明显、找不到创新点等的问题。本文就师范生面试说课时存在的不足进行分析,并试图探索解决问题的途径,期望对提升师范生的说课能力有所帮助。  【关键词】面
【摘要】济南景区公示语翻译存在较多的问题,严重影响了“泉城”济南的形象和地位。本文选取了五龙潭和黑虎泉两个景区的部分公示语翻译文本,以功能对等理论为切入点,结合景区公示语的特点、功能及特殊性,通过分析景区公示语翻译失误并指出具体解决策略,以期为治理济南景区公示语翻译失范提供理论依据。  【关键词】功能对等理论 景区公示语 翻译失误  中国作为四大文明古国之一在新时代下已经焕发出新的活力,以其得天独
【摘要】高中英语新课标更注重学生的个性化发展来满足学生兴趣和个性的发展,然而扩招和班容量大的现实使得多样化教学形式面临困境。为解决这一困境,一线教师希望实施差异教学谋发展。本文从学生的学习动机、认知能力、表达能力、移情能力等个体差异要素着手,有针对性地提出差异教学策略,明确差异化的教学目标,分配不同的教学任务,实施动态的教学评价,实现全体学生个性化发展。  【关键词】差异教学; 英语教学;个体差异
【摘要】传统的多模态语篇认知分析大多从概念隐喻等理论入手,分析多模态隐喻如何构建多模态语篇的话语目的,而对多模态隐喻背后的认知理据缺乏具体的系统性的探究。本文从具身化理论入手,分析并说明外宣语篇中的多模态隐喻构建背后的具身化认知构建特点,从而提高“一带一路”战略下对外宣传的业务水平和审美情趣。  【关键词】外宣;多模态隐喻;具身化  【作者简介】向恩白(1989-),男,重庆开州人,硕士,重庆三峡
作业机,哦,作业机,  世界上最完美的机器。  只要把作业放进去,再投进一角硬币,  按下按钮,等上十秒,  你的作业就会出来,  又干净,又整齐。来看看  “9 4=?”答案是“3”。  3?  哦,我的天!  看來它没有我想的那么神奇。
【摘要】提出问题是思维活动的重要体现。基于新课程新理念,我们应引导学生在课堂中敢于提出问题,培养学生主动运用英语进行交际的能力,并激发他们创造性的思维能力。本文试图从敢于提问,想要提问、学会提问三方面阐述培养学生思维能力的做法。  【关键词】激发;激活;深化;思维  【作者简介】吴海燕,浙江省衢州市衢江区第二小学。  2016年,中国教育学会提出:学生发展核心素养是学生应具备的、能够适应终身发展和
【摘要】在大学英语教学中,应该加强对学生的英语口语训练。而在很多大学英语教学中,哑巴英语的教学现象较为普遍,为了解决这一教学问题,教师需要采取有效的教学模式来开展英语口语训练。本研究就对大学英语口语训练有效性进行探讨分析。  【关键词】大学英语 口语训练  英语的学习在全球化进程不断加快的过程中已经成为适应现代社会的一种需求,在我国大学英语教学中,主要是以大班形式開展教学,教师在英语教学中并不能使
【Abstract】Since China has taken exchange rate reform in 2005, there are a million times disputes over this issue. It’s obvious that the conflicts between China and USA may involve different interests.