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圣马力诺共和国位于欧洲南部,意大利半岛东部,整个国家被意大利包围。地形起伏多山,西南部为丘陵,东北部为平原,圣马力诺河、马拉诺河等流经此地。这里不但风景如画,更令人称奇的是,这个国家没有红绿灯。圣马力诺共和国人口有3万多,而汽车却有10万辆,按常理推断,这里的交通应该是拥挤不堪,红绿灯遍地。可事实却是:这里交通顺畅,堵车很少发生,即使发生也 The Republic of San Marino is located in southern Europe, in the eastern part of the Italian Peninsula, and the entire country is surrounded by Italy. Undulating terrain mountainous, southwestern hills, northeast plains, the San Marino River, Malanuo River flows through here. Here is not only picturesque, even more amazing is that there is no traffic lights in this country. The Republic of San Marino has a population of over 30,000, while the number of cars is 100,000. It is common sense to conclude that the traffic here should be overcrowded with traffic lights everywhere. But the fact is: traffic is smooth here, traffic jams rarely occur, even if it happens
Complex(n-Bu_4N)[Mo_2O_2(OMe)(mp)_3][1,mp=(o-OC_H_4S)~(2-)]was synthesized by thereaction of MoOCl_3(THF)_2 and Na_2mp in EtOH and crystallized in monoclinic s
RNA interference (RNAi) is triggered by the presence of a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), and results in the silencing of homologous gene expression through the sp
Ionomeric networks(IN)with lithium sulfate and sait-solvating oligo(oxyethylene)chainwere synthesized on the purpose of improving the conductivity of single-Li
Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of nonfunctioning pheochromocytoma, and to evaluate the efficacy of 131I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scan i
西藏是很多人向往和憧憬的地方。2011年我第一次包车进藏,就完全被她迷住,纯净的圣地、异域的风俗、淳朴的民风让我体验到完全不同的一种生活氛围和状态。2012年我又来了。这一次我和朋友们一起选择骑车进西藏,行程21天2700公里,百转千折,一路坎坷,令我终生难忘。  2012年初看了一部台湾电影《转山》让我萌发了骑车进藏的念想,电影的情节和心境的变化,让我想尝试这样的挑战。正好新的工作伙伴有过骑车进