一、仰卧挺髋滚球练习法把学生分成数组,分别仰卧在垫子上, 两腿屈膝大小腿大约成100°夹角,两臂放在身体两侧。左手持一排球,然后用力向上挺髋。同时,使排球从臀下滚过,右手把球接住,身体恢复成开始的放松姿势。重复以上动作,再挺髋,右手滚球,左手接球。数次练习后,把排球换成篮球,提高挺髋的高度、速度。此练习挺髋时头、肩、髋、腿的动作,都与过杆一瞬间的杆上动作相似,对于增加学生的空间肌肉感觉,可起到事半功倍的效果。
First, supine Ting Huanqiu ball practice method is divided into an array of students, respectively, supine on the mat, knees legs legs about the angle of about 100 °, arms on both sides of the body. Hold a volleyball left hand, and then force up the hip. At the same time, the volleyball roll under the hips, the right hand catch the ball, the body restored to the beginning of the relaxed position. Repeat the above action, then quite hip, right hand bowls, left hand catch the ball. After several exercises, replace the volleyball with basketball and improve the height and speed of the hip. This practice very hip when the head, shoulders, hips, legs, movements are similar to pole action over the moment, for students to increase space muscle feel, can play a multiplier effect.