制定区域性投资政策 建设中西部示范省——山西省计委主任张奎访谈录

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随着我国由计划经济向市场经济的推进,东部地区和中西部地区的差距在 扩大已成为不争的事实。作为经济增长的引擎,固定资产投资也连续几年呈现东部增长明显高于西部的态势。然而我国中西部地区资源禀赋优异,重化工业雄厚,政治情况复 With the promotion of China’s planned economy to the market economy, it is an indisputable fact that the gap between the eastern region and the central and western regions is widening. As an engine of economic growth, investment in fixed assets also showed a trend of significantly higher growth in the east than in the west for several years in a row. However, China’s central and western regions have excellent endowments of natural resources, a solid heavy industry and a complex political situation
一、鼓励项目 (一)城市基础设施 1、交通运输业 城市轻铁、地铁 远洋船队和各类专业化船队 城市快速干道 港口、码头 航道开辟 公路、桥梁、隧道工程 多层停车场 I. Encour
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