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第十三界上海国际汽车工业展览第会圆满落下帷幕,回味车展盛况,用“风光”二字形容今年自主品牌之表现,丝毫不为过。布展奢华、新车阵容庞大、车型设计夸张……然而,在那些浓妆艳抹中,却有些许“山寨”的味道。中国自主品牌轿车从“山寨”起步,这一点都不假。李书福曾经将之形容为“学毛笔字描红”。但“描红”的最终目是成为“书法家”。显然某些自主品牌企业没有理解到这一点,仅靠模仿一款车,取得短暂的市场效应就沾沾自喜,模仿后接着模仿,抄全面,全面抄。缺乏系统研发、制造体系,缺乏应有的资金投入,一 The thirteenth world Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition concluded successfully concluded the auto show grand, with “scenery ” to describe the performance of this year’s own brand, not to be overemphasized. Luxury exhibition, a large new car lineup, car design exaggerated ... However, those who make-up, but a little “cottage ” taste. China’s own brand cars from the “cottage ” start, this is not fake. Li Shufu once described it as “Learn the brush stroke character red ”. But the ultimate goal of “drawing red” becomes “calligrapher.” Obviously some independent brands do not understand this, just by imitating a car, obtain a temporary market effect complacent, imitation followed by imitation, copying a comprehensive, comprehensive copy. Lack of systematic research and development, manufacturing system, lack of due capital investment, one
上海博物馆藏楚简《鲁邦大旱》第三简“子赣曰 :否”应断句 ,下可读为“偕乎子女 ,踵命其与”。第四简“夫山”以下 ,应据《晏子》校正。“或必寺乎”一句中 ,“或”读为“有
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9月28日,神宁集团4 Mt/a煤炭间接液化项目在宁东能源化工基地开工奠基。这是迄今为止世界上单体投资最多、装置规模最大的煤制油项目。神宁集团4 Mt/a煤炭间接液化示范项目,
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本文介绍了VMI-AZ公司的CTC挤出机在轮胎翻新中的优势。以工程轮胎翻新为例,详细介绍了挤出机在轮胎翻新中的应用。 This article describes the advantages of CMI extrude
以高效液相色谱法测定选育品种猪肉中肌苷酸的含量,以期建立一种评价选育品种猪肉风味前体物质的评定方法。采用DIONEX-HPLC仪,Alltech Apollo C_18(4.6 mm×250 mm,Φ5μm)