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我国建筑门窗发展迅速,从80年代铝合金窗在我国出现,到90年代各种彩色多功能铝合金门窗的普及,这标志铝合金窗发展已行至相当完备的阶段。但是大批铝窗厂还在重复建设,近两年,塑钢门窗又悄然而至,打破了铝合金一统建筑门窗市场的格局。 塑钢门窗的进入,使本已竞争激烈的门窗市场的形势更加复杂严峻。有人说“塑钢门窗是继木、钢、铝之后取代铝合金窗的第四代新型门窗”。但也有专家学者在《经济日报》、《建筑报》等全国各媒体指出“塑钢门窗不能替代铝合金门窗”,举例不乏各种性能图表的对比,论证更是深怀对门窗市场“恶性”竞争的忧虑,甚至警告盲目引进塑钢窗生产线会后悔莫及! 众所周知,建筑门窗是建筑施工市场中最具市场化的,其它建筑分项工程仍沿用计划经济体制下的劳动定额取费,而门窗工程早已进入市场,产品价格随行就市。在完全铝合金门窗时期,国营、私营、乡镇企业铝合金门窗厂在全国遍地开花,严重地供大于求,厂家为了竞争相互压价,以降低质量为代价(例如采用偷工减料等方式),影响消费者对铝合金窗的信任度。有人把上述质量和功能等方面情况归结为铝合金门 China’s rapid development of building doors and windows, aluminum windows from the 80’s in China appeared to the 90’s multi-color aluminum doors and windows of various colors, which marks the aluminum window has been developed to a fairly complete stage. However, a large number of aluminum window factory is still repeated construction, the past two years, plastic steel doors and windows and quietly, breaking the unification of architectural windows and doors market structure. The entrance of steel doors and windows, so that the market has been competitive doors and windows more complex and grim situation. Some people say that “steel doors and windows are the fourth generation of new doors and windows that replace aluminum windows after wood, steel and aluminum.” However, there are also experts and scholars in the “Economic Daily”, “Construction Newspaper” and other media throughout the country that “steel doors and windows can not replace aluminum doors and windows”, for example, there are many contrast chart of performance, the argument is even more deep on the doors and windows market, “vicious” competition Worries, and even warned blindly introduction of plastic window production line will be regrettable! As we all know, building windows and doors is the most market-oriented construction and construction market, other building sub-projects are still using the planned economy under the labor fixed fee, while the windows and doors Already entered the market, product prices follow the market. In the period of completely aluminum alloy doors and windows, aluminum doors and windows factories of state-owned, private and township enterprises flowered all over the country, seriously exceeding the demand. Manufacturers are competing with each other for the sake of reducing the quality (for example, cutting corners, etc.) Aluminum window of trust. Some people put the above aspects of quality and function attributed to aluminum doors
1938年6月26日,马当要塞失守,江西大门豁然洞开。日军出动海陆空,溯江而上,他们企图先夺湖口、九江,再夺星子、德安、南昌,西取长沙,截断粤汉铁路,迅速对武汉实施包围。 Jun