优化环境 加快发展

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抓住机遇,开拓创新,优化环境,加快发展,是北京市“两会”上代表、委员们使用频率最高的词汇。“两会”又一次吹响了全力加快首都发展的号角,必将激发和鼓舞1300万京华儿女在新的一年高歌奋进、再创辉煌的巨大热忱。今年是全面贯彻十六大精神,为十六大提出的宏伟目标和各项任务进行奋斗的开局之年,也是首都改革开放和现代化建设承前启后、继往开来的重要一年。做好今年的各项工作,争取一个良好开局,对于加速首都现代化进程,实现“新北京,新奥运”的战略构想,具有十分重大的意义。现在,奋斗目标已经明确,宏伟蓝图已经绘就,关键在于全市上下迅速贯彻落实两会精神,紧抓机遇,加快发展。北京作为首都,加快发展具备许多有利环境和条件。其中,在全面建设小康社会的基础 Seize the opportunity, blaze new trails, optimize the environment, speed up development, is the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress on behalf of the members of the most frequently used vocabulary. “Two sessions ” sounded the horn to speed up the development of the capital once again, will inspire and encourage 13 million Jinghua children sing in the new year, tremendous enthusiasm, create brilliant. This year marks the first year of fully implementing the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress and for striving for the magnificent goals and tasks set by the 16th CPC National Congress. It is also an important year that has passed since the reform and opening up and the modernization drive was carried forward in the capital. To do a good job in this year and strive for a good start is of great significance to accelerating the process of capitalist modernization and realizing the strategic vision of “new Beijing, the new Olympics.” Now that the goal of the struggle has been clear and the grand blueprint has been painted, the key lies in the rapid implementation of the spirit of the NPC and CPPCC in the whole city, seizing the opportunity and speeding up the development. Beijing, as the capital, has many favorable conditions and conditions for accelerating development. Among them, the foundation for building an overall well-to-do society
简述快速轴流工业CO2激光器基本工作原理以及建立气压自动控制系统的必要性,对气压测控系统的设计原理进行了分析、并且提出实现这一控制过程的最佳设计方案。 The basic wor
铂电极、玻碳电极(GCE)经Nd:YAG激光脉冲照射处理后,表面信号(背景电流)显著减小。在一定范围内,激光脉冲的功率密度越大,减小愈明显 Platinum electrode, glassy carbon electrode (GCE) by