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2017年6月16日,由中国国家博物馆、荷兰王国驻华大使馆、美国莱顿收藏共同主办的《伦勃朗和他的时代:美国莱顿收藏馆藏品展》在我馆隆重开幕。荷兰参议院议员、荷兰政府前任欧洲事务及发展合作大臣本·克纳彭,荷兰驻华大使馆临时代办孟纬德,莱顿收藏创始人托马斯·卡普兰,莱顿收藏管理人劳拉·耶格尔,我馆馆长吕章申,中国美术家协会副主席、中国美术馆馆长吴为山,中央美术学院教授、艺术理论家邵 On June 16, 2017, “Rembrandt and His Times: Collection of the United States Leyden Collection” co-hosted by the National Museum of China, the Embassy of the Netherlands in China and the United States Leiden Collection was grandly opened in our museum. Dutch Senate, former Minister for European Affairs and Development Cooperation Ben Knapen, Dutch Embassy Chargé d’affaires in China Meng Weide, founder of Leiden Collection Thomas Caplan, Leyton Collected Manager Laura Yeager, Lv Zhangshen, curator of our museum, vice chairman of Chinese Artists Association, director of China Art Museum Wu Weishan, professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, art theorist Shao
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据Off-Highway研究机构预测,2015年,西欧工程机械市场销量预计将达到125704台,同比增长1%。德国和英国作为欧洲的两大主力市场,201 5年以来均表现积极,预计将同比增长3%,而英
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试验池面积0.35hm2,经过163天的养殖,共产商品虾665kg,饲料系数2.30,产值33250元,获取纯利22378元。 Test pool area of ​​0.35hm2, after 163 days of breeding, commercial shrimp 665kg, feed coefficient
Nowadays renewable energy has become a trend for energy production but its variable nature has made balancing of demand and supply of the power grid difficult.
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