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摆在中国电动车面前的路,一点都不比传统汽车所要面对的挑战少对于发展新能源汽车,政府部门和企业都充满特别的期待。除了新能源汽车可能发展出一个新产业之外,我们还有一个雄心:既然各国在新能源汽车领域的起点差别不大,中国就有可能追赶上发达国家的汽车业。按时下流行的说法,称之为“弯道超车”。按照“弯道超车”的思路,实际上是寄希望于绕过传统汽车产业领域的差距,专注新能源汽车新兴领域另辟蹊径,以赶上发达国家,这种考虑必然倾向于在选择新能源汽车的技术路径时,离传统汽车业的 The road ahead of the Chinese electric car is not at all a challenge to the traditional car. It is full of special expectations for the development of new energy vehicles, government departments and enterprises. Apart from the fact that new energy vehicles may develop a new industry, we also have an ambition: China may catch up with the developed automobile industry since the starting point for each country in terms of new energy vehicles is not too different. According to popular saying, call it “corner overtaking”. According to the idea of ​​ “cornering overtaking ”, in fact, it hopes to bypass the gap in the traditional automobile industry and focus on the emerging field of new energy vehicles in order to catch up with the developed countries. Such consideration will inevitably tend to lead the development of new energy sources The technical path of the car, away from the traditional car industry
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