
来源 :军队党的生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhougtz
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讲政治是保持党的先进性纯洁性的根本要求,是推进党和军队建设事业发展的根本保证。它包括政治方向、政治立场、政治观点、政治纪律、政治鉴别力和政治敏锐性,最核心的是要铸牢军魂意识,坚决听从党中央、中央军委和习主席的指挥。讲政治是具体的,体现在部队日常工作的方方面面。从当前面临的形势任务看,把讲政治的要求落到实处,应着重把握好以下几点。党委决策范围广、政策性强,必须坚持议事先议政。能不能把讲政治的要求贯穿于党委决策的全过程,不仅关系部队建设的方向,而且关系党对军队绝对领导根本原则能否真正落到实处。随着部队现代化建设的深入推进,各级党委决策的政治性、政策性、敏感性越来越强,决策内容和领域越来越宽,特别是森林部队作为一支具有相对独立 To speak of politics as the fundamental requirement to maintain the purity of the party’s advanced nature is the fundamental guarantee for the development of the cause of party and army building. It includes the political direction, political standpoints, political opinions, political discipline, political discrimination and political acumen. The core of the plan is to mold the soul of the soul and resolutely obey the command of the Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and Chairman Xi. Politics is concrete and is reflected in every aspect of the day-to-day work of the military. Judging from the situation and tasks currently facing the DPRK, putting the requirements of politics in practice should focus on the following points. Party committees have a wide range of decision-making and strong policies. They must insist on prior consultation with the government. Whether we can speak political demands throughout the entire process of decision-making by party committees not only relates to the direction of building the military, but also whether the fundamental principle of the party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces can really be implemented. With the deepening of the modernization of the armed forces, the decision-making of Party committees at all levels has become more and more politically, policy-oriented and sensitized, and their decision-making contents and fields have become wider and wider. In particular, the forest troops, as a relatively independent
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据我国北方最大的花卉生产、销售基地--河南省鄢陵县提供的信息,2000年种植667平方米花木的纯收益为3200元,而近一年来仅1600元。造成当前花木种植效益大幅下降的原因: Acco