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  1. “May I borrow your paper?” “____.”
  A. By all means B. Never mind
  C. You are welcomeD. Don’t mention it
  2. _____, Timmy, act like a big boy now.
  A. Come on B. Pardon me
  C. You are rightD. Don’t mention it
  3. He pushed his way through the crowd, saying “_____.”
  A. Never mind B. With pleasure
  C. Go ahead D. Excuse me
  4. “I’d like to take a week’s holiday.” “_____, we’re just too busy.”
  A. Don’t worry
  B. Don’t mention it
  C. Forget it
  D. Pardon me
  5. “I’m so sorry about that cup.” “Oh,_____ —I’ve got plenty.”
  A. that’s right
  B. bad luck
  C. sorry
  D. forget it
  6.“Do you mind if I smoke?” “_____.”
  A. Yes, please
  B. Never mind
  C. Go ahead
  D. No, please don’t
  7. “I’m going to have a job interview tomorrow.” “Oh,_____!”
  A. Cheers B. Good luck
  C. Come onD. Congratulations
  8. “Might I have some more bread?” “_____!”
  A. How come B. Take your time
  C. Yes, go onD. Please help yourself
  9. “Do you need any help with those heavy bags?” “No, thanks._____.”
  A. Never mind B. All right
  C. I can manage D. You are welcome
  10. “The film is worth seeing twice.” “_____. It’s not at all interesting.”
  A. I couldn’t agree less B. I couldn’t agree more
  C. I’m afraid soD. Never mind
  11.“I think it’s a bad idea.” “_____. I don’t like it either.”
  A. I couldn’t agree moreB. I believe not
  C. I’m afraid not D. I don’t think so
  12.“Have a drink?” “No thanks,_____.”
  A. I do mind B. I don’t like itC. Never mindD. I’d rather not
  13.“I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident.” “_____, let’s go and see him.”
  A. What’s moreB. If so
  C. Where possible D. When necessary
  14. “Can I come?” “_____; there might not be room in the car.”
  A. That’s OK B. Never mind
  C. That depends D. It doesn’t matter
  15. “I’ve spilled some coffee on the carpet.” “_____”
  A. That’s right.B. It doesn’t matter.
  C. That’s rude. D. Please don’t.
  16. “Red or white wine?” “Oh, either. _____”
  A. That’s right.B. It doesn’t matter.
  C. Never mind.D. After you.
  17. “It was so kind of you to give us a lift.” “Don’t mention it;_____.”
  A. that’s right. B. it doesn’t matter.
  C. never mind.D. it was a pleasure
  18. We can either eat now or after the show. — _____.
  A. It just depends B. It’s up to you
  C. All rightD. Glad to hear that
  19. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some,_____ .
  A. just in caseB. it depends C. as usualD.with pleasure
  20. “Thank you for helping me.” “_____.”
  A. With pleasure B. Never mindC. My pleasureD. Never say that
  21. “I’m afraid I’ve lost that wallet you gave me.” “Well,_____ , I can easily buy you another one.”
  A. all rightB. not at all
  C. never mindD. don’t mention it
  22. “I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.” “_____. It was her fault.”
  A. No way B. Not possible C. No chance D. Not at all
  23._____ the children are excited—this is the first time they’ve been abroad.
  A. After all B. All rightC. No wonderD. Never mind
  24. “You must find such long hours very tiring.” “_____ . I enjoyed it.”
  A. After allB. Never mind
  C. Not in the leastD. That’s all right
  25.“Do you want to go to the movie, Jane?” “_____. I feel like doing something different.”
  A. Don’t mention itB. I don’t want it
  C. I don’t think so D. Not really
  26. “Hello, may I speak to Jim Smith?” “Yes,_____”
  A.Talking.B. Speaking.
  C. I’m Mr. Smith. D. Who are you?
  27.“Shall we eat Italian food tonight?” “Yes,_____”
  A. Not at all. B. Why not?C. Never mind.D. What of it?
  28. “Would you take this along to the office for me?” “_____.”
  A. My pleasure
  B. With pleasure
  C. Never mind
  D. Not at all
  1—5 AADCD
  11—15 ADBCB
  16—20 BDBAC
  21—25 CACCD
  26—28 BBB
  (编辑 周贞雄)
一、考点描述    however 是高考英语中一个十分重要的考点,近几年来每年的各省考题均有所涉及。请看两道典型高考真题:  1. You should try to get a good night’s sleep_________much work you have to do.   A. howeverB. no matter  C. although D. whatever  【分析】答
今年是湖南省高考自主命题的第三年。三年来,湖南高考数学命题以教育部考试中心《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲》和《湖南省补充说明》为依据,充分考虑了湖南中学数学教学实际和高校招生的情况,逐步形成了湖南高考数学命题风格。2006年高考数学命题仍坚持了前两年命题的基本思路,适当调整试卷难度,迈出了“稳中求新,新中求活,活中凸显能力”的命题改革的前进步伐。    试题评析    一、注重基础知识。稳定大
每年夏天我都会重返欧洲旅行,那里不仅有丰富的旅行元素,还有各类诱人的美食。我对意大利尤其钟情,每次去总能收获惊喜,今年也不例外,我在三种简单朴素的食物之中,发现了意式家庭料理的真谛。由青酱领衔的即兴演出  “浓稠而又清澈的橄榄油是意大剩菜的灵魂,无论凉拌、煎炒还是烹炸都少不了它。高品质的橄榄油,也是制作最地道、最美味的青酱的关键所在。”  萨沃纳所在的利古里亚大区(Liguria),最出名的是美丽
洛克“发现”了丽江,并把这里当作沿藏地考察的大本营,在其记忆中,丽江是他唯一的故乡。我们在丽江乡间漫步,惊喜地发现,洛克那个“挽住我们记忆的世界”至今仍远未逝去。    Joseph F. Rock   约瑟夫·洛克    约瑟夫·洛克(Joseph Charles Francis Rock,1884—1962年),美籍奥地利探险家、植物学家、地理学家,被称为西方研究东巴文化的鼻祖。20世纪初,洛
今年的江西省高考英语考了这样一道题:  — What do you think of the performance today?  — Great! _____ but a musical genius could perform so successfully. (2007江西卷)  A. AllB. NoneC. Anybody D. Everybody  此题答案选 B。none but
古代园林对于今时中国,究竟有何意义?  建筑师王澍说:“园在我心里,不只是指文人园,更是指今日中国人的家园景象。主张讨论造园,就是在寻找返回家园之路,重建文化自信与本土的价值判断。”园林栖游曾是中国古人的日常。如今,将中国园林作为灵感源泉已成为一批设计师的自觉追求,而对普通人来说,亲近古典园林则是一种无功利的赏鉴,二者结合,共同构成了中國园林的现代意义。壹 找回1500年前的诗意  2012年,建
美国著名女演员索尼亚斯米茨是在加拿大渥太华郊外的一个奶牛农场里长大的。  那时候她在农场附近的一所小学里读书。有一天她回家后很委屈地哭了,父亲问她为什么哭泣,她断断续续地说道:“我们班里一个女生说我长得很丑,还说我跑步的姿势难看。”父亲听完她的哭诉后,没有安慰她,只是微笑地看着她,忽然他说了一句:“我够得着咱们家的天花板。”正在哭泣的索尼亚听到父亲的话,觉得很惊奇,她不知道父亲想要表达什么意思,就