Moisture transfer resistance method for liquid desiccant dehumidification analysis and optimization

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinshouji1
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The concepts of entransy, entransy dissipation and transfer resistance are introduced into liquid desiccant dehumidification analysis to reveal the irreversibility and moisture transfer resistance between moist air and liquid desiccant.By analyzing a typical water (vapor) transfer process coupled with heat transfer, we define the concepts of mass entransy of water and its dissipation, derive the expression of moisture transfer resistance (MTR) that reflects the irreversibility of water transfer during dehumidification processes, and also point out the relationship between MTR and dehumidification performance. With these concepts, both adiabatic and internal cooling liquid desiccant dehumidification systems with various operation conditions are analyzed and optimized. It is found that for the adiabatic dehumidification system, increasing the mass transfer coefficient leads to the reduction of MTR, and consequently, the improvement of dehumidification performance. Meanwhile, for the dehumidification system with internal cooling, in order to reduce the MTR and improve the dehumidification performance, pre-cooling should be centralized ahead of the liquid desiccant inlet when the flow rates ratio of air to desiccant is small, whereas, uniform cooling should be applied when the flow rates ratio of air to desiccant is large. The concepts of entransy, entransy dissipation and transfer resistance are introduced into liquid desiccant dehumidification analysis to reveal the irreversibility and moisture transfer resistance between moist air and liquid desiccant.By analyzing a typical water (vapor) transfer process coupled with heat transfer, we define the concepts of mass entransy of water and its dissipation, derive the expression of moisture transfer resistance (MTR) that reflects the irreversibility of water transfer during dehumidification processes, and also point out the relationship between MTR and dehumidification performance. With these concepts, both adiabatic and internal cooling liquid desiccant dehumidification systems with various operating conditions are analyzed and optimized. It is found that for the adiabatic dehumidification system, increasing the mass transfer coefficient leads to the reduction of MTR, and therefore, the improvement of dehumidification performance. Meanwhile, for the dehu midification system with internal cooling, in order to reduce the MTR and improve the dehumidification performance, pre-cooling should be centralized ahead of the liquid desiccant inlet when the flow rates ratio of air to desiccant is small, while, uniform cooling should be applied when the flow rates ratio of air to desiccant is large.
摘要:《非货币性资产交换》准则经历了1999年第一次发布、2001年第一次修订及2006年再次修订的过程,此类交易的会计处理标准也发生了很大的变化。本文从交易的分类、计量方法及补价确认等几个方面对新的非货币性资产交换会计准则进行分析。  关键词:非货币性资产交换;商业实质;补价  中图分类号:F275 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3309(2008)08-0076-03    一、交易性质
假期,我到云南翡翠市场淘宝,巧遇一位老师傅正在给徒弟讲玉雕课,便凑上去听了听。  老师傅首先拿出一张照片:一块普普通通的墨绿色石头,上面分布着数不清的白色、褐色、绿色、红色斑点。  老师傅问:“这块石头怎么样?”  徒弟纷纷摇头:“杂色多,很难构思加工,是块废料。”  老师傅揭开柜台上的红布,然后说:“那这件作品呢?”  我眼前一亮:雨后初晴,山石间一片绿莹莹的草地,几棵肥胖可爱的或白或褐的蘑菇伞