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2001年是新世纪的开端,是我国实施第十个五年计划的头一年,也是我国实现现代化建设第三步战略目标的起步之年,我国将进入改革、开放、现代化建设的新阶段。做好2001年的经济工作,保证“十五计划”和第三步现代化战略有一个良好的开局,具有十分重要的意义。保持2001年经济适度快速增长有许多有利条件:当前我国经济己经出现重要转机,基本摆脱了亚洲金融危机对我国经济的不利影响,经济增长速度开始止降回升,有效需求不足的矛盾有所缓解,物价指数止跌企稳,企业经营效益明显改善,国内企业经营者和消费者的经济预期转好。当前我国主要产品潜在供给能力较大,物价水平、利率水平都处于历史低位,继续实施扩大内需的宏观经济政策有较大空间。2001年我国将加入WTO,这标志着我国将在更广泛的领域和更高的层次参与经济全球化,不仅对我国经济的长远发展具有重要意义,也可能在当年就体现出对促进我国外贸出口的短期效应,并有利于进一步改善外资对中国经济的预期,从而吸引更多的外资,外国先进的技术、设备和管理进入中国。从外资协议金额变动趋势看,2001年外商直接投资有望回升到亚洲金融危机前的水 2001 is the beginning of a new century, the first year in which our country plans to implement the Tenth Five-Year Plan, and the first year our country has achieved the third-step strategic goal of modernization. Our country will enter a new stage of reform, opening up and modernization. To do a good job of economic work in 2001 and to ensure that the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” and the third-stage modernization strategy have a good start, it is of great significance. There are many favorable conditions for maintaining a moderate and rapid economic growth in 2001. At present, China’s economy has emerged an important turning point. It has basically got rid of the adverse impact of the Asian financial crisis on China’s economy. The contradiction between the slowdown in economic growth and the rise in the effective demand has eased , The price index stabilized and stabilized, the operating efficiency of enterprises improved significantly, and the economic expectations of domestic business operators and consumers turned better. At present, the potential supply capacity of major products in our country is rather large. Both the price level and the interest rate level are at historically low levels. There is ample room to continue implementing macroeconomic policies to expand domestic demand. China’s accession to the WTO in 2001 marks that our country will participate in economic globalization in a wider area and at a higher level, which is of great significance not only to the long-term economic development of our country, but also to the promotion of China’s foreign trade exports that year Short-term effect, and help to further improve the foreign investment in China’s economy expected to attract more foreign investment, foreign advanced technology, equipment and management into China. From the trend of change in the amount of foreign-funded agreements, foreign direct investment in 2001 is expected to rebound to the level before the Asian financial crisis
乔信明,1909年3月23日出生于湖北省大冶市陈贵镇乔家村一个农民家庭,因家境贫寒,他从小就给地主家放牛,地主嫌他力气小,经常凌辱、打骂他。乔信明 16岁的时候,被送到三、四里
给姐一双高跟鞋,姐能把冬至穿成春分。  千年老妖一成不变  退回去两年,我印象中的陈美丽还是个在穿衣打扮方面相当执着的人,用她自己的话说,是一个“终其一生,独沽一味”的人。二十年不变的短发 T恤格仔衫牛仔裤,小清新得来太过中性气质,硬朗有余温柔缺乏,而且我认定她分明是想借中性气质来掩盖她的懒于修饰不事打理。记得她有件深蓝色羊毛拉链外套,十年前我和她逛商场时一起买的,很贵的一件衣服,但她穿上看来看去
摘 要:化学是以实验为基础的学科,化学实验是化学的基石,是化学理论的支柱。实验是学生获取知识、进行知识创新的重要的手段,是培养学生的科学兴趣、科学态度、提高学生科学能力的重要途径。实验是新课程的中心,新课程的实施是围绕着实验来进行的。在新课程实施中要求将学生的实践能力和创新能力融入到高中化学实验教学过程。本文通过对于高中化学实验教学过程中的问题进行总结,从而整理相关对策。  关键词:高中;化学实验
中级车受到市场的极大关注,也是各大车厂的中流砥柱。我们特意请来旺销的凯美瑞、大气的君越以及东南汽车首次涉足中高级车领域的新作戈蓝,看看它们的各色千秋。 Intermedia