Radiation effects on MOS and bipolar devices by 8 MeV protons,60 MeV Br ions and 1 MeV electrons

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuanghaiyang
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The radiation effects of the metal-oxide-semiconductor(MOS) and the bipolar devices are characterised using 8 MeV protons,60 MeV Br ions and 1 MeV electrons.Key parameters are measured in-situ and compared for the devices.The ionising and nonionising energy losses of incident particles are calculated using the Geant4 and the stopping and range of ions in matter code.The results of the experiment and energy loss calculation for different particles show that different incident particles may give different contributions to MOS and bipolar devices.The irradiation particles,which cause a larger displacement dose within the same chip depth of bipolar devices at a given total dose,would generate more severe damage to the voltage parameters of the bipolar devices.On the contrary,the irradiation particles,which cause larger ionising damage in the gate oxide,would generate more severe damage to MOS devices.In this investigation,we attempt to analyse the sensitivity to radiation damage of the different parameter of the MOS and bipolar devices by comparing the irradiation experimental data and the calculated results using Geant4 and SRIM code. The radiation effects of the metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) and the bipolar devices are characterized using 8 MeV protons, 60 MeV Br ions and 1 MeV electrons. Key parameters are measured in-situ and compared for the devices. Ionizing and nonioning energy losses of incident particles are calculated using the Geant4 and the stopping and range of ions in matter code.The results of the experiment and energy loss calculation for different particles show that different incident particles may give different contributions to MOS and bipolar devices. The irradiation particles, which cause a larger displacement dose within the same chip depth of bipolar devices at a given total dose, would generate more severe damage to the voltage parameters of the bipolar devices. On the contrary, the irradiation particles, which cause larger ionising damage in the gate oxide, would generate more severe damage to MOS devices. this investigation, we attempt to analyze the sensitivity to radiation damage of the dif ferent parameter of the MOS and bipolar devices by comparing the irradiation experimental data and the calculated results using Geant4 and SRIM code.
9月1日,南海区扶贫助学爱心团到阳山县黎埠镇老区开展扶贫助学活动。  上午9时,扶贫助学大会在黎埠镇中心小学运动场隆重举行。南海区扶贫助学爱心团全体成员,清远市老促会领导,阳山县政府、老促会、关工委、老干局领导,黎埠镇党委、政府领导、中小学师生以及部分群众近千人参加了大会。扶贫助学大会现场奏国歌、升国旗,2008年北京奥运会和2010年广州亚运会火炬手黄钦添手持火炬进场向师生们致意。随后,清远市老
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