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随着国家政策的推进,创新创业成为国家对高校教育的指导方向,同时创新创业也为解决中国大学生就业难的问题提供了新的解决方式。面对在各高校已经推行开展的创新创业教育,其重要意义是否在实施中得以体现?在创新创业教育中又存在什么样的问题?是本文讨论的主要内容。 With the promotion of national policies, innovation and entrepreneurship have become the guiding direction for higher education in China. At the same time, innovation and entrepreneurship provide a new solution to the problem of employment difficulties for Chinese college students. In the face of the innovation and entrepreneurship education that universities have implemented, whether the significance of it is reflected in the implementation? What kind of problems exist in the education of innovation and entrepreneurship? It is the main content of this article.
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In this paper, we consider a class of high-order nonlinear systems with unmodelled dynamics from the viewpoint of maintaining the desired control performance (e
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为进一步鼓励有色金属企业出口,国家将调整有色金属企业出口,国家将调整有色金属出口政策。这是记者日前从有色金属进出口工作座谈会上了解到的最新消息。 据会议透露,我国