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现在大学生是社会不同领域中的人才来源,他们必须具有健康的身体和强壮的体魄,学生体质健康问题越来越受到社会重视,因此,很多高校陆续实施了《国家学生体质健康标准》,随之而来的是体质健康方面的论文也层出不穷,但是大部分研究都是针对哪个地区、哪个省份的某个或某几个大学的体质健康现状的研究,如有些学者对西南地区[1]、西安部分[2]、青海高原少数民族[3]等地区的大学生体质现状进行调查与分析。还有些学者对普通高校学生体质[4]和近10年间高校学生体质动态变化[5]进行研究,很少有对民办高校进行系统研究的,查阅了一片关于民办高校学生体质状况研究的文章[6],通过公办院校对民办院校进行对比研究的论文少而更少。本研究对民办院校和公办院校学生体质健康的测试数据进行统计与研究,以便从中找出影响学生体质健康状况的因素,并结合实际情况,提出相对应的策略,从而改进体质健康测试的工作成效,全面提高学生的体质健康水平及体育教学质量。 Nowadays, college students are the source of talent in different fields of society. They must have a healthy body and a strong physique. Students ’physical health issues are receiving more and more social attention. Therefore, many colleges and universities have successively implemented the National Students’ Physical Health Standard, However, most of the researches are about the physical health status of one or several universities in which region and some provinces. For example, some scholars have done a lot of research on the health problems in southwest China [1], Xi’an Part [2], the Qinghai Plateau Minority [3] and other regions of the physical status of college students survey and analysis. Some scholars also study the dynamic changes of college students physical constitution [4] and college students in recent 10 years [5], seldom do systematic research on private colleges and universities, and have consulted an article about the physical condition of students in private colleges and universities [ 6]. There are fewer and fewer papers on the comparative study of private institutions through public institutions. In this study, statistics and research on the test data of students’ health in private universities and public institutions in order to find out the factors that affect their physical health, and put forward the corresponding strategies according to the actual situation so as to improve the physical health test Work efficiency, improve students’ overall physical fitness and physical education quality.
介绍了KY-310、KY-250A牙轮钻机大型金属结构件─高钻架焊接生产中为控制焊接变形,提高焊缝质量及消除焊接内应力所采用的部件组装焊接、总体装配焊接及振动失效等工艺措施。 I