A Study on English Learning Anxiety of Senior High School Students under the Background of College E

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  【Abstract】As English teaching shifts the focus from “How to teach” to “How to learn”, the study on learning anxiety has been gradually developed and deepened. Besides, college entrance examination reform is the largest move in education in recent years. This study aims at knowing the current situation of English learning anxiety of senior high students under test reform and its relationships with factors like gender, grade, personality, English efficiency as well as the influence of English test reform.
  【Key words】English learning anxiety; Senior high students; Test reform; Causes; Influence
  1. Introduction
  As English teaching shifts the focus from “How to teach” to “How to learn”, the study on learning anxiety has been gradually developed and deepened. whereas the previous researches are mainly focused on a certain type anxiety of college students. Besides, college entrance examination reform is the largest move in education in recent years. This thesis has conducted a questionnaire, summarizing the percentage of students with different level of anxiety and studying the relationship between personality, gender, grade, English proficiency and anxiety. All in all, the data and analysis present the current level of English learning anxiety in Shaoxing High School under test reform, and to some extent, provide some feasible suggestions to English teaching and learning as well as education reform.
  2. Literature review
  Anxiety is a kind of basic human emotions and is one of the most common and important responses to stress. To some degree, language learning anxiety is different from general anxieties,which is often studied as a kind of situation-specific anxiety. Spielberger (1956); Horwitz et al. (1986); MacIntyre and Gardner (1991); ect.are representatives. The research about English learning anxiety in China began in the 1990s, during which domestic scholars conducted a number of exploratory researches and obtained phased achievements. Chen Jie (1997); Yu Xinle (1999); Zhang Xicha and Chang Minghui (2004) so on and so forth are typical examples.
  3. Methods
  3.1 Objectives
  This study aims at knowing the current situation of English learning anxiety of senior high students under test reform and its relationships with factors like gender, grade, personality, English efficiency as well as the influence of English test reform.
  3.2 Subjects
  108 boys and 90 girls, are chosen randomly from different grades and classes. Among these subjects, 68 are selected from grade one, 70 from grade two while the rest from grade three, and all of them have studied English for 5 to 7 years.   3.3 Instrument
  The author adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches in order to make sure the validity and reliability of this research. The questionnaire contains two parts: 1) some basic information of the participants. 2) 33 items. The five point Likert scale is employed, ranging from “strongly agree” (1 point) to “strongly disagree”(5 points).
  4. Results
  Table 1 shows the general situation of English learning anxiety level and the main components of anxiety.
  Table1 General situation of English learning anxiety level
  Anxiety Level mean Number of People (NOP) Percentage
  High Anxiety 48.53 49 25%
  Average Anxiety 93.56 119 60%
  Low Anxiety 142.57 30 15%
  Total 99.45 198 100%
  Table 2 shows the relationship between some variables and leaning anxiety. Table 3 illustrates the negative correlation between students’ English level and anxiety level.
  Table 2 Anxiety difference between different groups
  Variable Category NOP Mean df F Sig
  Gender male 100 98.73 1 1.35 0.028
  female 98 99.86 196
  Personality introverted 101 92.36 1 1.59 0.037
  extroverted 97 94.29 196
  Grade 1 68 92.57 2 1.43 0.035
  2 60 94.45 195
  3 70 93.7
  Table 3 Correlation between students’ English level and anxiety level
  English level Anxiety level
  English Pearson correlation 1 -.528**
  level Sig 2-tails .000
  N 198 198
  Anxiety Pearson correlation -.528** 1
  level Sig 2-tails .000
  N 198 198
  **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
  5. Discussion
  Based on data, the major findings are listed below: 1.In general, the anxiety level of senior high students is relatively high in comparison to Horwitz’s (1986) and Aida’s (1994). 2.Subjects’ variables have a certain impact on their anxiety level. 3. it proves that the anxiety level is negatively correlated with English proficiency. 4.As for the influence of English test reform on the English learning anxiety, the result is confusing so far. To some students and teachers, it makes a giant contribution to decreasing the anxiety level while to others it does nothing but increasing the learning loads.
  Although certain effect has been achieved, there are shortcomings which are worth digging and discussion due to limited theoretical and research level. But hopefully, the results obtained in the study can contribute to the future researches and to some extent, provide some feasible suggestions to English teaching and learning as well as education reform.   Reference:
【摘要】在文化传播之中,语言属于重要载体的一种,对于文化实现绿色发展以及传承等具有推进作用,可以说语言进行传承脱离不了文化,它们具有重要的关联。尤其是将文化渗入至高中阶段的英语教学,可以便于学生对英语单词进行更好的理解,对词语进行合理、规范搭配,同时也对其背景进行正面分析,也便于记忆相关知识点,它更是新课标的新内容、新要求,在英语学习计划中具有强大教学价值。  【关键词】高中 英语教学 文化渗透 
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【摘要】英语专业实用型人才培养模式不同于传统的人才培养模式,根本的区别在于,英语专业实用型人才培养模式强调以市场为导向,强调对英语专业人才综合能力的培养,同时兼顾个体化差异,与其个人的职业规划相匹配,使其能够按照个人的职业发展目标找到与个人能力和知识结构相匹配的工作岗位,成为熟练运用英语从事翻译、金融、法律、管理和商贸等工作的实用型复合人才。  【关键词】英语专业 培养模式 研究  一、英语专业构
【摘要】在当前小学英语教学改革中,微信作为新的沟通工具,已经在小学英语教学中广泛的使用,对于小学英语教学改革有着积极的推动作用。在小学英语教学之中应用微信,其具有教学实时性、推广便捷性、内容丰富性等诸多特点,所以,小学英语教学之中微信的应用势在必行。  【关键词】小学英语 微信 教学  现代社会,科技发展导致微信这一交流工具出现在我们视野之内,微信的发展,不但可以在生活交流之中运用,同时也可以运用
【摘要】以泛读为主的英语阅读课程在高校英语专业语言教学中一直陷于教师教授效果不明显,学生学习不重视的尴尬局面中。而作為英语专业教学中的重要组成部分,其教学开展的成功与否很大程度上影响着英语专业学生综合运用英语的能力,因此,将交际教学法较好的运用到英语阅读课程教学中对目前的教学改革和课堂转型非常必要和有益。  【关键词】英语阅读 英语专业 交际教学法  一、引言  在高校本科英语专业教学中,以泛读为
【摘要】随着科技和文化的发展,跨文化意识的培养在英语教学中日益重要,这也是时代发展的必然召唤。在日常教学中通过多种有效途径和手段,加强跨文化意识的培养和渗透,对教师是挑战也是发展必然。  【关键词】跨文化意识 渗透和培养 课堂教学 有效途径  根据《英语课程标准》的课程目标结构图,能很清楚看出以语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五个方面共同构成了英语课程总目标。课程标准中提出:在外
You are the April of this world. Your laughter has lit up all the wind, so gently mingling with the spring. You are the clouds in early spring;the dusk wind blows up and down. And the stars blink now
【摘要】作为美国电影史上极具传奇色彩的成功之作,电影《教父》之所以能够获得空前的成功,主要原因在于其在叙事艺术方面具有的特点。文章便从现代美学视阈的角度出发,运用理论与实际相结合的方式,对《教父》所在叙事方面具有的特点进行了分析。  【关键词】《教父》 现代美学 叙事艺术  作为斩获了以金球奖和奥斯卡奖为代表的诸多奖项的一部影片,电影《教父》可以被视为美国电影的里程碑,通过分析能够发现,这部电影具
【摘要】近年来,随着新课改的不断深入,“灵动课堂”这一概念也逐渐成为教学改革的热点,构建小学英语“灵动课堂”,对学生主体作用的发挥有着积极影响,在小学英语教学中要实现“灵动课堂”,需要教师综合运用多种教学手段和教学方法,激发学生学习兴趣,从而提高学生英语学习动力,促进学生核心素养培养目标,本文就如何构建小学英语“灵动课堂”进行相关探讨,为小学英语“灵动课堂”教学构建和完善提供理论支持。  【关键词