
来源 :人口与计划生育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlk84
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河南省延津县人口计生委以稳定低生育水平、提高出生人口素质为目标,强化依法管理,完善服务体系,采取“四项措施”抓计划生育工作,使各项工作取得了良好成效。依法行政,规范行政执法工作。加强计生干部的思想、政治、业务、作风等方面培训,使之掌握必备的法律业务知识和计划生育相关知识,牢固树立群众观念、法制观念、服务观念。完善机制,村民自治初见成效。以完善运行机制、提高工作质量、巩固基层基础为目标,以推行“民主决 Yanjin County Population and Family Planning Commission of Henan Province to stabilize the low birth rate and improve the quality of the birth population as the goal, to strengthen management according to law, improve the service system, to take ”four measures“ to grasp the family planning work, so that the work achieved good results . Administration according to law, standardize administrative law enforcement. Strengthen the training of family planning cadres on the aspects of ideology, politics, business and work style, so as to equip them with the necessary knowledge of legal business and family planning, and firmly establish the concepts of mass, legal system and service. Improve the mechanism of villagers self-government initial success. To improve the operational mechanism, improve the quality of work, consolidate the grassroots foundation as the goal, to promote ”democratic decision
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