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为跟上全国、全省休闲农业发展态势,推动天门市休闲农业发展,规范和提高休闲农业点的经营管理水平,2012年4月,湖北天门市农业局和天门市外事侨务旅游局联合下发了《关于组织开展2012年“天门市休闲农业示范点”认定工作的通知》(天农业发[2012]20号),并专门调查了休闲农业发展的情况。一、天门市休闲农业的主要特点与成效休闲农业是指利用农村田园景观、农业生产和设施、农产品加工和农耕文化等农业资源条件,以农业产业为依托,为消费者提供观光、休闲、体验等多项服务,以促进农民就业增收和新农村建设的一种新型农业产业形态。休闲农业示范点是指经营管理规范、基础设施健全、服务功能完善、示范带动能力强的单个或集中连片的多个休闲农业经营实体,包括休闲农庄、农业观光园、农业科技示范 In order to keep pace with the development of recreational agriculture in the whole country and the province and promote the development of leisure agriculture in Tianmen, regulate and improve the operation and management level of leisure agriculture, in April 2012, Hubei Tianmen Agriculture Bureau and Tianmen Foreign Affairs Overseas Chinese Tourism Administration jointly issued Notice on Organizing the Appraisal of Demonstration of Leisure Agriculture in Tianmen in 2012 (Tiannongyefa [2012] No.20) and specially investigated the development of leisure agriculture. First, Tianmen leisure agriculture main features and effectiveness of Leisure agriculture refers to the use of rural rural landscape, agricultural production and facilities, agricultural products processing and farming culture and other agricultural resources, agriculture industry as the basis, to provide consumers with sightseeing, leisure, experience And many other services to promote the employment of peasants and new rural construction of a new type of agricultural industry. Leisure Agriculture Demonstration Point refers to a number of single or concentrated contiguous leisure and agricultural operation entities that are well regulated in management and operation, sound in infrastructure, perfect in service functions and capable of demonstrative driving, including recreational farms, agricultural sightseeing parks, agricultural science and technology demonstration
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