
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BLUECAT
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随着社会的不断发展,社会医疗条件的不断完善,不少大中城市的综合医院都设置了各自的急救中心或急救站。他们做为院前救护系统,把急救工作做到病人身旁。经过初步急救把病人安全护送医院,这对于急救危重病人的生命安全起到了至关重要的作用。笔者通过参加急救中心的抢救工作发现影响急救中心抢救工作的社会因素依然存在,具体表现为:1 传统观念的影响 人们越来越重视现代化的高精尖监护,治疗器械,而忽视或轻视应该使急性病人在发病之初或意外创伤的受伤者在现场就能够得到妥善、快速、有效的处理,并安全地运送到 With the continuous development of society and the continuous improvement of social medical conditions, many general hospitals in large and medium-sized cities have set up their own emergency centers or first aid stations. They serve as a pre-hospital rescue system and place the emergency treatment next to the patient. After the first aid, the patient was safely escorted to the hospital. This played a crucial role in the safety of emergency critical patients. The author found that the social factors affecting the rescue work of the emergency center were found through the rescue work of the emergency center. The concrete manifestations are as follows: 1 The influence of traditional concepts People pay more and more attention to modern high-quality monitoring and treatment equipment, and neglect or despise should make Injured people with acute illnesses or at the onset of accidental injuries can be properly, quickly, and effectively handled on site and safely transported to the site.
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马铃薯晚疫病植株各部位都可发生。在叶片上,先在叶尖或叶片边缘发生淡褐色小斑点,气候潮湿时,病斑扩大成褐色,病叶成水浸状而坏死,病斑外围有一圈淡绿色组织,上有 Potato
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