转变作风 为民服务——安徽省临泉县农机监理践行群众路线

来源 :中国农机监理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhrmghgws001
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结合第二批实践活动,安徽省临泉县农机监理部门认真贯彻十八大会议精神,紧紧围绕“转变作风、为民服务”的主题,通过深入细致的系统研究,摸清了当前群众特别是农机户生产生活方面最需要、最迫切的困难和问题,摸清了农机手对当前农机监理工作最不满意的问题,摸清了对农机监理人员反映最集中的问题。一、牢固树立为机手服务观点。通过开展主题教育,牢固树立为农机户服务和立党为公、执政为民的观点,虚心向农机手学习,坚持农 Combined with the second batch of practical activities, the agricultural supervision department of Linquan County, Anhui Province, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and closely followed the theme of “changing style of work and serving the people” through thorough systematic study to find out the current The masses, especially the most needed and most urgent difficulties and problems in the production and daily life of agricultural machinery households, found out the problems that agricultural machinery handlers are most dissatisfied with in their current supervision of agricultural machinery and found out the problems that are most reflected in the supervision of agricultural machinery supervisors. First, firmly establish service as a service point of view. Through carrying out thematic education, firmly establishing the service of serving agricultural households and establishing a position of serving the interests of the public and government,
介绍了过氧乙酸的生产方法及其应用研究情况,指出了今后的发展前景。 The production method of peroxyacetic acid and its application research are introduced, and the
该文主要就技工教育中存在的问题进行了分析 ,并就怎样提高技工教育的质量等问题提出了自己的意见。 This article mainly analyzes the problems existing in mechanic edu
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